BM in Music Education (Pre-Teacher Certification)

89 units
The music education (pre-teacher certification) major provides future vocal, instrumental, and general music teachers the necessary skills, knowledge, and appropriate methodologies for success at all levels of music education within California. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for public schools endorses this specialization. Certification for teaching music in California public schools requires additional coursework in the School of Education (see the Division of Teacher Education section in the catalog for specific requirements), including clinical practice under supervision of a master teacher from the School of Music.
All music education students are required to pass a sophomore music education proficiency examination, which includes a solo performance on their main applied instrument or voice, an interview, and a review of their performance in the aural skills class, including individual critiques from the instructors of that class. If students do not pass this proficiency exam, they are not permitted to continue as a music education major. All music education students must join the student chapter of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME).
General Education Requirements for the Bachelor of Music in Music Education
Code | Title | Units |
GE 100 | First-Year Seminar | 3 |
WRIT 110 | Writing 1: The Art and Craft of Writing | 3 |
Writing 2 | 3 | |
Humanities: Literature | 3 | |
Social Sciences | 3 | |
Natural Sciences | 4 | |
Biblical, Theological, and Philosophical Formation | ||
MIN 108 | Christian Life, Faith, and Ministry | 3 |
UBBL 100 | Introduction to Biblical Literature: Exodus/Deuteronomy | 3 |
UBBL 230 | Luke/Acts | 3 |
PHIL 100 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
or HUM 224 | Core Texts in Philosophy | |
or HUM 324 | Core Texts in Philosophy | |
Upper-Division Bible Elective | 3 | |
Theology | 3 | |
Personal and Social Responsibility | ||
Intercultural Competence | ||
MUS 201 | Introduction to World Music (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) 1 | 3 |
or MUS 302 | Soul Music | |
Total Units | 40 |
- 1
MUS 201 meets the General Education Intercultural Competence requirement.
Music Education Requirements
Code | Title | Units |
Piano Proficiency | 4 | |
Music Theory | 12 | |
Music Theory I (F/S, Fr, So) 1 | ||
Music Theory II (F/S, Fr, So) | ||
Music Theory III (F/S, So, Jr) | ||
Music Theory IV (F/S, So, Jr) | ||
Practical Musicianship | 4 | |
Practical Musicianship I (F/S, Fr, So) | ||
Practical Musicianship II (F/S, Fr, So) | ||
Practical Musicianship III (F/S, So, Jr) | ||
Practical Musicianship IV (F/S, So, Jr) | ||
Conducting | 4 | |
Introduction to Conducting (F, Jr) | ||
Choral Conducting (S, Jr) | ||
or MUS 363 | Instrumental Conducting | |
Music History | 9 | |
Ancient, Renaissance, and World Music Literature (F, Jr) | ||
Writing 3: Baroque, Classical, and Early Romantic Music Literature (F/S, Jr) 2 | ||
Late Romantic and 20th-Century Music Literature (F/S, Sr) 3 | ||
Applied Music | 16 | |
Students must take 2 units on their primary instrument each semester of full-time status (F/S). Students whose primary instrument is voice must have at least 8 units of MUS 111 (section CV is required). | ||
Ensemble Requirement | 9 | |
For ensemble credit, choose either the instrumental or choral emphasis listed below | ||
Other Requirements | ||
MUS 210 | Performance Forum (F/S, 8 semesters) | 0 |
MUS 296 | Introduction to Music Technology (F/S, Fr) | 2 |
MUS 441 | Music in Worship (F/S, Jr, Sr) | 3 |
Music Education Courses | ||
MUS 101 | Beginning Voice Class (not required for students whose principal applied area is voice) | 1 |
or MUS 102 | Intermediate Voice Class | |
MUS 206 | Introduction to Music Education (F, So) | 2 |
MUS 331 | String Instrument Techniques (ES, So, Jr, Sr) | 1 |
MUS 332 | Woodwind Instrument Techniques (EF, So, Jr, Sr) | 1 |
MUS 333 | Brass Instrument Techniques (OF, So, Jr, Sr) | 1 |
MUS 334 | Percussion Instrument Techniques (OS, So, Jr, Sr) | 1 |
MUS 232 | Guitar Techniques (OS, So, Jr, Sr) | 1 |
MUS 405 | Choral Music Methods (ES, Jr, Sr) | 3 |
MUS 451 | Repertoire for the Instrumental Music Classroom (S, Jr, Sr) | 2 |
or MUS 456 | Choral Literature | |
MUS 404 | Instrumental Music Methods (OS, Jr, Sr) | 3 |
MUS 330 | Elementary Music Methods (EF, Jr, Sr) | 3 |
MUS 491 | Senior Recital (F/S, Jr, Sr) 4 | 0 |
MUS 423 | Orchestration I (F/S, Jr, Sr) | 3 |
MUS 427 | Form and Analysis (F, Jr, Sr) | 3 |
Choose one of the following: | 1 | |
Jazz Improvisation Workshop (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Jazz Improvisation Workshop (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Jazz Improvisation Workshop (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Jazz Improvisation Workshop (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Jazz and Commercial Ensemble (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Jazz and Commercial Ensemble (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Jazz and Commercial Ensemble (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Jazz and Commercial Ensemble (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) | ||
Improvisation for Music Education | ||
Total Units | 89 |
- 1
Meets the General Education Humanities: Fine Arts requirement.
- 2
Meets the General Education Writing 3 requirement.
- 3
Meets the General Education Humanities: History requirement.
- 4
Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement.
Instrumental Emphasis
Code | Title | Units |
Students must take a total of 9 units of ensemble. For the instrumental emphasis, students should enroll in 8 units in any combination or order from the following: Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, and Symphony Orchestra. In addition, 1 unit must be completed in University Choir, Oratorio Choir, or Chamber Singers. | 8 | |
Symphonic Band | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Symphonic Band (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Wind Ensemble (F/S) | ||
Symphony Orchestra | ||
Symphony Orchestra (F/S) | ||
Symphony Orchestra (F/S) | ||
Symphony Orchestra (F/S) | ||
Symphony Orchestra (F/S) | ||
Students must also complete one from the following: | 1 | |
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir & Orchestra | ||
University Choir & Orchestra | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
Oratorio Choir (F/S, One semester) | ||
Chamber Singers | ||
Chamber Singers | ||
Total Units | 9 |
Choral Emphasis
Code | Title | Units |
Students must take a total of 9 units of ensemble. For the choral emphasis, students should enroll in 8 units in any combination or order from the following: | 8 | |
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir & Orchestra | ||
University Choir & Orchestra | ||
University Choir | ||
University Choir | ||
Oratorio Choir | ||
Chamber Singers | ||
Chamber Singers | ||
Students must also take: | ||
One semester of instrumental experience from Jazz Band, Jazz Improvisation Workshop, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, or Symphony Orchestra. If a singer is unable to participate in an instrumental ensemble, they may choose to do 1 additional unit of applied lessons on an instrument of their choice. | 1 | |
Total Units | 9 |
For admission to the APU credential program, students must complete one additional course from the following:
Code | Title | Units |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Introduction to World Music (F/S, So, Jr, Sr) 1 | ||
Music of Latin America | ||
Music of Asia | ||
Music of Africa |
- 1
Meets the General Education Intercultural Competence requirement.
F | Offered in Fall only |
S | Offered in Spring only |
F/S | Offered in both Fall and Spring terms |
EF | Offered in Fall in even years |
ES | Offered in Spring in even years |
OF | Offered in Fall in odd years |
OS | Offered in Spring in odd years |
Course Requirement Availability: | Recommended Year: |
F = Offered every fall | Fr = Freshman |
S = Offered every spring | So = Sophomore |
E = Even Year | Jr = Junior |
O = Odd Year | Sr = Senior |
Music Theory Proficiency
The Music Theory Placement Examination is given online to incoming students who are not transferring credit for Music Theory I from another college or university. This examination measures the student’s background in music theory and ensures placement at the appropriate level. Students who are not ready for Music Theory I take MUS 120, and upon successful completion of MUS 120, begin the music theory sequence in the next semester. Music theory is taken in sequential order (I, II, III, IV). Before advancing to the next level, a grade of C or better is required. If a C or better is not achieved at any level, the course must be repeated.
Practical Musicianship
Practical musicianship is taken in sequential order (I, II, III, IV). Before advancing to the next level, a grade of C or better is required. If a C or better is not achieved at any level, the course must be repeated.
Piano Proficiency
Each student must register for a piano class or Applied Piano until the Piano Proficiency Examination is passed. Examination fact sheets are available in the School of Music office. Students will not be cleared to graduate until they have passed the proficiency examination, which is usually met at the conclusion of MUS 106.
Grade-Point Average
Music students must maintain a 2.5 GPA for all upper-division music classes (those classified as 300 and 400 level). Students with a cumulative GPA lower than 2.0 or who are on probation are not eligible to participate in a performing group other than Masterworks Chorale.
Music Education Concentration Grade Requirement
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in all of their music education concentration courses. Otherwise, the course(s) must be repeated.
Performance Forum
MUS 210 meets every Monday at 4:20 p.m. and features a variety of presentations including student recitals, guest artists, and lecturers. Music students must be continuously enrolled in Performance Forum for eight semesters. This class is graded pass/fail based on attendance. Students who do not pass the course will be required to take MUS 353 Concert Music to make up the deficiency. Transfer students must enroll in MUS 210 and an approved ensemble every semester in attendance, up to eight semesters.
Recital Performance
Music education majors must present a solo performance annually in either a studio recital or performance forum student recital as well as a senior recital. In the case of a student who is taking instruction in more than one applied area, recital performance is required only in the primary applied area.
All students must take applied jury each semester, unless presenting either a junior or senior recital in that semester.
Music education majors must register for MUS 491 in the semester in which the senior recital will be given. Students giving recitals should follow the guidelines in the Azusa Pacific University School of Music Recital Confirmation Packet (available through the School of Music office).
Applied Music
- Students must take at least 16 units in one applied area.
- Students must take at least 1 unit of applied lessons each semester, even if the minimum number of units for their emphasis has been met.
- All students, in conjunction with the instructor, are responsible for selecting an accompanist for juries by the indicated deadlines. There are three ways to select an accompanist:
- Faculty may request an accompanist with the Accompanist Request Form available in the School of Music office by the indicated deadlines.
- Faculty may request a specific accompanist by submitting an Accompanist Request Form available in the School of Music office by the indicated deadlines.
- If no Accompanist Request Form is submitted, or is requested after the published deadlines, faculty members are responsible to make arrangements for their students.
- Private lessons:
- Grades for private lessons are issued based on a minimum of 12 lessons per semester. The grade will be lowered if the student attends fewer than the minimum of 12 lessons. Additionally, if the student does not meet the mandatory annual solo performance requirement, an F will be assigned for the spring semester applied grade.
- The area director will assign an instructor.
- When the student is ill and notifies the teacher in advance, a makeup lesson will be rescheduled if possible. “No-show” students do not receive makeup lessons.
Voice Class
All music education majors without voice as their major performance area must take one semester of Voice Class or Private Voice.
Ensemble Requirement
In each of eight semesters as music majors, students must participate in an appropriate performance ensemble. The information for the appropriate ensemble for each degree and concentration is clearly articulated in the Undergraduate Music Student Handbook and further communicated through the music student advisement process. Membership in multiple ensembles in a given semester counts as only one semester toward the ensemble requirement. Transfer students must participate in a performance ensemble each semester until they graduate or accumulate eight semesters.