BA in Theology

36 units
The theology that guides Department of Theology programs is a reasoned response to God’s self-disclosure in Jesus Christ. This theology is a careful articulation of the mystery, grace, and hope of that story, which takes place among the people of Jesus—the Church. The theology major serves students who wish to give themselves to this particular way of truth and life. It aids in preparing students for graduate work in related disciplines and for Christian service in the Church and the world.
The theology major equips and encourages undergraduate students to become effective and faithful theologians, well-prepared for further theological education as well as for service to the Church, by developing in them suitable analytical, reflective, and expressive skills and bringing them into fruitful engagement with a broad range of theological resources as they learn to apply Christian theology to contemporary issues.
Program Goals
- Through the General Education courses, the theology program seeks to prepare all undergraduate students to demonstrate an understanding of the essential components of theological reflection and an ability to give thoughtful consideration to current and historical issues in light of the Church’s Scriptures and traditions. Graduates should be able to articulate a Christian worldview of truth and life and apply biblically based ethical reasoning skills to problems.
- The theology program cultivates collegial scholarship for faithful engagement with students, the Church, and the academy.
- The theology program continues to develop and refine mechanisms that bring theology majors into fruitful firsthand engagement with contemporary theological work as it is carried out in the academy. This may develop through projects of their own or through collaborative efforts with faculty. Graduates should demonstrate a practice of continual intellectual growth through personal scholarship and development.
- The theology program continues to develop and refine methods of teaching and mentoring that further students’ theological contributions to the Church and society. Graduates should practice a respect for the worth of all persons with appreciation of individual and cultural differences, demonstrating truth telling and grace in their relationships, and should be able to articulate the importance of extending genuine community to all peoples locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.
- The theology program encourages and cultivates students’ growth in the ability to think critically about the historical, doctrinal, biblical, and practical aspects of the Christian faith, including appreciating, understanding, and valuing the Church. Students grow into a greater awareness of the personal and social relevance and spiritual richness that informed, disciplined theological reflection can bring to their Christian existence and their own impact upon the world in which they live.
Career Opportunities
The theology major is offered as an avenue of sustained and thoughtful devotion to the God of the Gospel. At the same time, it provides students with the discipline and practices that are requisite for graduate study or other service in the Church and the world. APU theology alumni have pursued graduate studies at Duke Divinity School, Fuller Theological Seminary, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, Princeton Theological Seminary, Vanderbilt Divinity School, Yale Divinity School, and other institutions in fields such as education, sociology, law, theology, Church history, biblical studies, philosophy, and international relations. Alumni have also served as pastors, chaplains, teachers, social workers, community organizers, nonprofit program administrators, and relief workers, and in parachurch ministries.
THEO/UBBL Double Major Guidelines: Should a student choose to double major in theology and biblical studies, he/she must take 3 additional upper-division courses in a single discipline of either THEO or UBBL (THEO 4XX or UBBL 3XX/4XX) to meet the guidelines for double majors.
A minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA is required in all major courses. The theology major may be earned by completing all of the following courses:
Code | Title | Units |
Major Course Requirements | ||
WRIT 200 | Writing 2: Writing for Christian Practice 1 | 3 |
or WRIT 202 | Writing 2: Philosophical Writing in C. S. Lewis | |
THEO 200 | Theology and the Christian Life 2 | 3 |
THEO 352 | Church History: Apostolic Era to the Eve of the Reformation 2 | 3 |
THEO 354 | Church History from the Eve of the Reformation to the Present 2 | 3 |
THEO 363 | Contemporary Christian Theology | 3 |
THEO 4XX | 400-level Theology Course 3 | 3 |
THEO 4XX | 400-level Theology Course 3 | 3 |
THEO 4XX | 400-level Theology Course 3 | 3 |
THEO 496 | Senior Seminar: Theology and Social Issues 4 | 3 |
UBBL 3/4XX | Biblical Studies Elective | 3 |
MINC or MINY 3/4XX | Christian Ministries Elective | 3 |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
History of Ancient Philosophy | ||
Medieval Philosophy | ||
History of Early Modern Philosophy | ||
History of 19th and 20th Century Philosophy | ||
Total Units | 36 |
- 1
Meets the General Education Writing 2 requirement.
- 2
Meets the General Education Theology requirement.
- 3
Students who wish to earn a Church history concentration may do so by substituting three of the upper-division theology courses above with three Church history seminar courses listed below as needed. Students who wish to earn a systematic theology concentration may do so by substituting three of the upper-division theology courses above with three systematic theology courses listed below, and taking an additional Church history seminar course. See tables below for additional details.
- 4
Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement.