Department of Higher Education

Mission Statement
The Department of Higher Education focuses on preparing the next generation of leaders, scholars, faculty, and student development professionals who will shape colleges and universities across the globe. Together, we strive to be a community of scholars and disciples who make a difference in the world.
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- All APU programs in higher education are accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).
CCSD 543, Legal and Ethical Issues in College Student Affairs, 3 Units
This course provides an examination of the major legal and ethical issues confronting contemporary student affairs professionals. Emphasis is placed on federal regulations and mandates, constitutional issues, tort liability, contractual relationships, distinctions between public and private sector institutions of higher education, and ethical standards of the student affairs profession.
CCSD 551, Introduction to College Student Affairs, 3 Units
An introduction to and overview of the field of college student affairs is offered with emphasis upon its historical and philosophical foundation, its basic documents, and its primary objectives within American colleges and universities. Students survey and analyze the typical programs and services which the college student affairs field delivers within American colleges and universities.
CCSD 552, The Process Of Adult Development, 3 Units
Students study and critique selected human development theories relevant to the process of being and becoming an adult. An overview of models for translating theory to practice and assessment techniques to be applied to individuals, groups, and the environment is provided.
CCSD 553, Administration in College Student Affairs, 3 Units
Strategies, techniques, and issues related to the organization and administration of college student affairs' functions and divisions are stressed. Organizational structure, staff selection, training, supervision, budgeting, planning, policy development, and leadership as well as program implementation and evaluation are addressed.
CCSD 562, Qualitative Research with Today's Diverse College Students, 3 Units
Students are provided with a review and analysis of the ecology of college students in contemporary American higher education. Student characteristics, subcultures, values, beliefs, lifestyles, and other critical variables are examined in relation to qualitative assessment methods and policy/program implications.
CCSD 563, Counseling: The Helping Relationship, 3 Units
This course includes an introduction to and overview of various theoretical approaches to the helping relationship and an examination of helping techniques with culturally diverse populations as applied through advising, crisis intervention, and consultation roles. Behavior development and change as an interpersonal process is addressed. Practice in role-playing situations involving various helping and human relations skills is included.
CCSD 567, The Role of Diversity in Student Affairs Practice, 3 Units
This course introduces the attitudes, beliefs, values, skills, knowledge, and self-awareness necessary for student affairs professionals to serve diverse student populations.
CCSD 568, Inclusive Diversity Practices in Student Affairs, 3 Units
This course helps students develop professional skills and practices in designing culturally sensitive and appropriate interventions for any campus setting in the context of higher education. Students taking this course should already have a solid awareness and knowledge of the theoretical bases and content of social justice, privilege, and marginalized groups within higher education. Learning is targeted at experiential activities that provide opportunities to practice multicultural skills. Based on Pope and Reynolds (1997), multicultural skills allow for effective and meaningful interactions with people who differ culturally. Skill is based on awareness and knowledge to bring about appropriate, effective change in multicultural situations. Students receive feedback as they develop these skills, with specific attention paid to: 1) frameworks of social justice and ally ship, including social justice as a Christian tradition; 2) involvement with the unique experiences of marginalized social groups of college students; and 3) examining critical dimensions of the design and delivery of multicultural education programs. The pedagogy employed in this course draws heavily on critical self-reflection to explore how students' multicultural skills shape interventions related to inclusive diversity practices on a college campus.
Prerequisite: CCSD 567
CCSD 571, Student Learning in the Cocurriculum, 3 Units
Students are exposed to a dual study of theory and research pertaining to student learning as it occurs outside the classroom in the higher education setting. The course focuses on strengths for creating seamless learning experiences that extend beyond those offered in the formal curriculum, partnering with faculty members, and creating conditions that effectively engage students in educationally purposeful activities.
CCSD 573, Career Counseling and Development, 3 Units
This course provides a comprehensive review of career theory, as well as resources and techniques utilized in assisting individuals to make informed educational and career choices. An exploration of changing concepts of work and careers and their implications for career counseling are emphasized. A focus on the relationship of career to other issues of counseling and development is addressed.
CCSD 575, Quantitative Analysis in College Student Affairs, 3 Units
Students explore the basic elements of descriptive and inferential statistics, and use a statistical software package to develop computer skills necessary for quantitative analysis. The application of data analysis to student affairs practice is emphasized. It is strongly recommended that students complete this course prior to enrolling in CCSD 592 Program Evaluation in College Student Affairs.
CCSD 581, Foundations of Higher Education, 3 Units
Students explore and analyze the various purposes served by American colleges and universities and the principal policy questions currently confronting these institutions. Classic works and events that have influenced professional thought, public opinion, and policy related to higher education are addressed.
CCSD 583, Counseling Issues and Practice, 3 Units
Conflict, crisis, and dysfunctional behavior on the college campus are examined. Specific attention is given to the key issues relevant to student populations, including prejudice, substance abuse, suicide, and eating disorders. An opportunity for the development of skills applicable to college student affairs roles is provided through laboratory experience/practice.
CCSD 592, Program Evaluation in College Student Affairs, 3 Units
This course provides an introduction to basic concepts, principles, and methods of evaluation and research in the social sciences. Problem identification, research/program design, instrument development, data collection techniques, fundamental statistical tests, cost/benefit analyses, and interpretation of findings are addressed. Critical analysis of relevant literature is emphasized.
CCSD 595, Capstone Project in College Student Affairs, 3 Units
This course supports students in completing their professional portfolio which contains evidence of the 12 competencies upon which the program is built.
CCSD 595A, Capstone Project in College Student Affairs, 2 Units
This course supports students in completing their professional portfolio which contains evidence of the 12 competencies upon which the program is built.
CCSD 595B, Capstone Project in CSA, 1 Unit
This course supports students in completing their professional portfolio which contains evidence of the 12 competencies upon which the program is built.
CCSD 598, Special Topics, 3 Units
This course examines in depth a topic of current interest or need. Students analyze and evaluate topics/issues to reach and express a position, provide training for a particular population, or enhance personal development. If students elect this course more than once during their program, each course must address a different topic.
CCSD 599, Readings in College Student Affairs, 3 Units
This course is an independent study vehicle through which students and their sponsoring faculty members may pursue approved investigations beyond those provided within regular course offerings.
HED 550, Asian Americans in Higher Education, 3 Units
Students in this course explore the history and experiences of Asian Americans, particularly the factors that influenced immigration patterns to the U.S., cultural contributions of Asian Americans, and issues encountered by Asian Americans due to racism and/or ignorance. Sociopolitical and economic factors that influence the experiences of Asian Americans are also examined. Asian American groups come to the U.S. from cultures rich in tradition and have struggled against many obstacles to contribute much to the fabric of American life. Unfortunately, these contributions and struggles, as well as the obstacles, are too often forgotten, ignored, or unheard. This course tells that story through the systematic analytical lens of sociological inquiry.
HED 701, Strengths-Oriented Leadership, 4 Units
This course is a critical analysis of leadership theory and practice with an emphasis on how awareness and application of a strengths philosophy can increase leadership effectiveness. Using group discussions, research papers, and individual reflection, students develop and evaluate theoretical principles of leadership development and develop a personal approach to creating institutional change.
HED 702, The Nature of Inquiry, 4 Units
This course introduces beginning doctoral students to the methods, theoretical perspectives, and epistemologies associated with various approaches to the research process. Students examine the nature of doctoral study, begin their own scholarly inquiry and synthesis process in higher education leadership, and identify potential areas for future research.
HED 703, Critical Issues in Higher Education, 4 Units
This foundational course will introduce students to an array of critical issues facing U.S. higher education. Areas of focus will include the formative influences that led to the diversification of American higher education as well as current and emerging issues and trends related to the purposes, governance, funding, and delivery of postsecondary education. These topics will be explored through a lens of ethics and social justice and framed around the potentially-competing priorities of affordability, accessibility/equity, and academic quality.
HED 704, Ethical Issues in Higher Education, 2 Units
Ethics is the study of what should be and what ought to be, rather than what is. In this course, ethical dilemmas encountered by students in their leadership roles are explored using case study research methodologies, and evaluated in terms of value claims, propositions, and beliefs of contemporary philosophical and theological perspectives. Personal ethics are studied in terms of integrity in pursuing one's own sense of destiny and calling in the leadership roles assumed.
HED 705, Student Access, Equity, and Success in College, 4 Units
This course examines the impact of the college student experience, beginning with the college choice process and culminating with graduation and lifetime impact. Student development theories, theories and models of student change in college, student retention theories, and strategies for defining and measuring student success and institutional effectiveness are emphasized. Policies, programs, and best practices that enhance student learning, success, and persistence are explored.
HED 710, Research Design and Statistics, 4 Units
This course integrates statistical procedures with quantitative research methodologies in a practical setting that emphasizes conducting the research and statistical analyses within the context of higher education. Students learn to write a proposal for an Institutional Review Board, analyze and critique published research, and design, implement, analyze, and report results from a quantitative research study. Use of SPSS statistical software is also emphasized.
HED 711, Qualitative Research Methods, 4 Units
Students are introduced to the perspectives, purposes, designs, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of qualitative research in the field of education. Ethnography, case study, grounded theory, action research, and qualitative evaluation studies are among the designs examined. The data collection methods of observation, interviewing, and document analysis and the skills of data management, analysis, and interpretation are studied and practiced.
HED 721, Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education, 4 Units
This course examines the social ecology of higher educational institutions through a lens of justice and equity. Focus is on research as it informs policy and practice within post-secondary institutions, and how higher education is shaped by sociopolitical forces, cultural norms, and voices from its margins.
HED 722, Global Policy Analysis in Higher Education, 4 Units
This course offers a unique opportunity to examine postsecondary policies at the institutional, local, state, national, regional, and international level with a special focus on social justice. Global policy students will examine core policy principles, the culture of higher education, and critical theory. The course includes a site visit to an international location for an opportunity to deeply reflect on issues of policy and justice from a Christian perspective. The examination of policies will include those that lead to justice-oriented change as well as policies that result in greater inequality.
HED 724, Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Higher Education, 4 Units
This course will explore the higher education teaching-learning experience and the role of assessment at the individual, course, program, and university levels. Emphasis will be placed on curriculum design, identification of student learning outcomes, effective teaching methodologies, course development and delivery, outcomes assessment, and developing a learning ethos within the university.
HED 725, Administration in Higher Education, 4 Units
Offered each July and required of all Ed.D. and Ph.D. students in the Organizational Leadership concentration. This course serves as one of the foundational courses in the higher education leadership doctoral program. Focused on educating emerging leaders in the field, the course gives students an appreciation for the challenges of approaching institutional decision making from the various perspectives represented on the president's cabinet. Various organizational models are also presented as frameworks for understanding the complex organizational cultures typically found in college and university settings.
HED 730, Advanced Quantitative Methods, 4 Units
This course is for Ph.D. students who plan to write a quantitative dissertation. The course content introduces more advanced quantitative methods and statistical concepts, such as multivariate analysis of variance and covariance, factorial analysis of variance, structural equation modeling, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant analysis, and logistic regression. Experimental and quasi-experimental research designs are emphasized, along with computer applications with SPSS and AMOS software.
HED 731, Advanced Qualitative Research, 4 Units
This course is required of Ph.D. students who plan to write a qualitative dissertation. In this advanced seminar on qualitative research, the focus is on data collection and analysis approaches representing the major qualitative methodologies. Each qualitative methodology leads to particular ways of gathering, analyzing, and presenting data, which will be explored through primary source readings. The course culminates in a comparative methodologies paper or pilot research project.
HED 732, Leading Change in Higher Education, 4 Units
This course examines leadership, organizational development, and change theories, with particular application to the contemporary public and private higher educational environment and to university governance. Emphasis is on the leadership role as change agent within organizations. Theoretical as well as practical perspectives relative to the nature of leadership are incorporated. The concepts of communication, motivation, delegation, creativity, conflict, and change are incorporated throughout the course. Students have the opportunity to diagnose organizational needs, identify challenges, and produce effective solutions for interpersonal, structural, and organizational problems experienced within the higher education environment.
HED 760, Research Seminar, 1-2 Units
This research seminar exposes doctoral candidates to the creation, implementation, and dissemination of a focused research agenda based on the area of specializations of the core faculty. The seminar focuses on reading and evaluating educational research, collecting and analyzing qualitative or quantitative data, and engaging in collaborative research. This course is required of all Ph.D. students beginning their second year of the program and requires attendance at team meetings each semester. Students take 1-2 units per semester for a total of 4-6 units.
HED 761, Strengths-Oriented Research and Programming, 2 Units
This course provides students with the opportunity to design, implement, and assess strengths-oriented programs for college students. A culminating project is the hallmark of the course, with an emphasis on either the design of a strengths-oriented program or the assessment of the effectiveness of strengths-oriented interventions.
HED 791, Dissertation Proposal I, 1 Unit
Students identify a research topic and develop a dissertation proposal(the first three chapters of the dissertation). Steps include identifying a significant problem in higher education, conducting a literature search, writing a literature review, selecting a research methodology, and selecting appropriate qualitative and statistical tools.
HED 792, Dissertation Proposal II, 1 Unit
Students continue writing their dissertation proposal (the first three chapters of the dissertation). The focus in this course is on selecting a research methodology and selecting appropriate qualitative and statistical tools. Ph.D. students must pass all comprehensive exams before defending their proposal.
HED 794, Dissertation Research I, 2-3 Units
This course is offered each term and is required of all students in the dissertation phase. Students work with their dissertation committee in conducting a doctoral-level research project, enrolling for 2-3 units of credit in this course their first semester of dissertation research, then enrolling in HED 795 Dissertation Research II continuously in subsequent semesters until the dissertation is complete.
HED 795, Dissertation Research II, 2-3 Units
In this course, offered each term and required of all students in the dissertation phase, students work with their dissertation committee in conducting a doctoral-level research project in higher education. After enrolling in HED 794 for one semester, students enroll for 2-3 units of dissertation credit in this course and must re-enroll each semester from the time their proposal is approved until the dissertation is completed.
HED 796, Dissertation Proposal Seminar, 3 Units
Students in this course identify a research topic and develop a dissertation proposal. Steps include articulating a significant problem in higher education that can be researched, conducting a literature search and writing a literature review, selecting a research methodology to appropriately implement, and completing the first three chapters of the dissertation. The course is graded CR/NC based on the student submitting written material to their dissertation chair, and is repeated until the dissertation proposal is successfully defended. Students must pass all comprehensive exams prior to defending their dissertation proposal.
HED 797, Dissertation Research, 3 Units
This course is offered each term and is required of all students who have successfully defended their dissertation proposal. Students work with their dissertation committee in conducting a doctoral-level research project in higher education. Students enroll for 3 units of dissertation credit each semester until they defend their final dissertation.
HED 798, Special Topics, 1-4 Units
Offered upon faculty request. In this course, a subject of current interest is examined in depth. Students analyze and evaluate controversial issues to reach and express a reflective position. Students may repeat the course for credit up to a maximum of 6 units. Each course must address a different topic.
HED 799, Readings in Higher Education, 1-4 Units
Offered as Independent Study with approval of department chair. Students enroll in this course to pursue independent study investigating subjects and interests that lie beyond regular course offerings. The student explores topics in greater depth than in other courses and/or initiates an individual project. Readings are pursued in accordance with a study plan, which is developed in consultation with a sponsoring faculty member and approved by the department chair.
HEDL 709, The Philosophy of Action Research, 4 Units
This course offers students an opportunity to begin exploring all aspects of doctoral study. Students learn about various approaches to research, with an emphasis on action research, while also exploring their roles as change agents and examining how their actions as leaders influence people, systems, and themselves. They are given the opportunity to enhance their skills in locating and evaluating the literature of the field, explore scholarly writing, and identify possible dissertation topics.
HEDL 715, Qualitative Methods in Action Research, 3 Units
Students in this course analyze models of action research while developing specific strategies for using the action research model in their professional practice. Assessment strategies focus on qualitative approaches.
HEDL 716, Survey Methods and Quantitative Analysis, 3 Units
In this course, students are introduced to the principles of good survey design and the quantitative procedures that are most useful in analyzing survey research data. Students explore the application of survey methods and quantitative analysis to their work as action researchers and change agents within higher education settings.
HEDL 720, Campus Ecology and Creating Spaces for Thriving, 3 Units
This course examines how higher education institutions can create actual and virtual spaces that more effectively promote student thriving, sustainability, and community. Innovative architectural designs are identified and evaluated, and students have the opportunity to design, or redesign, a "thriving space" for a college campus.
HEDL 723, Higher Education Law and Policy, 3 Units
Students in this course examine the historical, contextual, and theoretical aspects of higher education law and policy as they affect students, faculty members, administrators, and organizational systems. Course material also involves the analysis of contemporary legal and policy issues confronting public and private higher education in the United States.
HEDL 729, The Spirituality of Leadership, 3 Units
This course examines the spiritual dimensions of leadership by exploring vocation, calling, and thriving. Students examine how the Christian faith informs leadership development and practice, but also investigate the spirituality of leadership across other traditions and perspectives.
HEDL 733, The Changing Worlds of Higher Education, 4 Units
Students will explore the rapidly changing nature of higher education in the United States and around the world. The problems facing higher education, in all its forms, will be examined as will emerging innovative models and structures. Participation in an international travel experience is a requirement of this course.
HEDL 740, Critical Issues in Higher Education, 3 Units
This foundational course introduces students to an array of critical issues facing U.S. higher education. Areas of focus include the formative influences that led to the diversification of American higher education, as well as current and emerging issues and trends related to the purposes, governance, funding, and delivery of postsecondary education. These topics are explored through a lens of ethics and social justice and framed around the potentially competing priorities of affordability, accessibility/equity, and academic quality.
HEDL 741, Strengths-Oriented Leadership, 3 Units
This course is a critical analysis of leadership theory and practice, with an emphasis on how awareness and application of a strengths philosophy can increase leadership effectiveness. Using group discussions, research papers, and individual reflection, students develop and evaluate theoretical principles of leadership development and develop a personal approach to creating institutional change.
HEDL 742, Student Access, Equity, and Success in College, 3 Units
This course examines the impact of the college student experience, beginning with the college choice process and culminating with graduation and lifetime impact. Student development theories, theories and models of student change in college, student retention theories, and strategies for defining and measuring student success and institutional effectiveness are emphasized. Policies, programs, and best practices that enhance student learning, success, and persistence are explored.
HEDL 743, Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education, 3 Units
This course examines the social ecology of higher educational institutions through a lens of justice and equity. Focus is on research as it informs policy and practice within postsecondary institutions, and how higher education is shaped by sociopolitical forces, cultural norms, and voices from its margins.
HEDL 744, Administration in Higher Education, 4 Units
This course gives students an appreciation for the challenges of approaching institutional decision making from the various perspectives represented on the president's cabinet. Various organizational models are also presented as frameworks for understanding the complex organizational cultures typically found in college and university settings.
HEDL 745, Leading Change in Higher Education, 3 Units
This course covers leadership, organizational development, and change theories, with particular application to the contemporary public and private higher educational environment and to university governance. Emphasis is on the leadership role as change agent within organizations. Theoretical as well as practical perspectives relative to the nature of leadership are incorporated, and the concepts of communication, motivation, delegation, creativity, conflict, and change are incorporated throughout the course. Students have the opportunity to diagnose organizational needs, identify challenges, and produce effective solutions for interpersonal, structural, and organizational problems experienced within the higher education environment.
Prerequisite: HEDL 785
HEDL 748, Guided Inquiry Project I, 1 Unit
In this introductory course, students explore a potential topic for their action research dissertation, focusing on conceptualizing an area of concern and developing a problem statement around that area of concern.
HEDL 749, Guided Inquiry Project II, 1 Unit
In this course, Ed.D. students continue to work on steps toward the dissertation begun in HEDL 748, identifying the innovation they intend to introduce, and outlining the research design that will be used to gather evidence regarding the impact of the innovation.
Prerequisite: HEDL 748
HEDL 785, Dissertation Proposal, 1 Unit
Students complete the first three chapters of the action research dissertation. Successful completion of these three chapters is a prerequisite for continuing coursework in the final two semesters of the program.
HEDL 787, Dissertation Seminar, 2 Units
In this course, students complete work on chapter 4 of their dissertation by gathering and analyzing data and presenting the findings from their research. Students also complete chapter 5.
Prerequisite: HEDL 785
HEDL 789, Dissertation Research, 3-4 Units
In this course, students successfully defend their research with their dissertation committee.
HEDL 799, Readings in Higher Education Leadership, 1-4 Units
Offered as Independent Study with approval of department chair. Students enroll in this course to pursue independent study investigating subjects and interests that lie beyond regular course offerings. The student explores topics in greater depth than in other courses and/or initiates an individual project. Readings are pursued in accordance with a study plan, which is developed in consultation with a sponsoring faculty member and approved by the department chair.
Interim Chair, Programs Director
Danielle Lascano, EdD, LMFT, RPT
Jeannine Kranzow, PhD
Laurie Schreiner, PhD
Young K. Kim, PhD
Alexander Jun, PhD
Karen Longman, PhD
Associate Professors
Christina Lunceford, PhD
Christopher Newman, PhD
Mari Luna De La Rosa, PhD
Assistant Professor
Kandy Mink Salas, PhD