Leaves of Absence

Enrolled graduate students may apply for university approval for a leave of absence from their program for a minimum of two consecutive terms/semesters and a maximum of two years. Students may return prior to the end of their leave by contacting the Office of the Registrar.

Leave of Absence forms must be submitted prior to the student’s absence from the university. Requests to extend a leave of absence require submission of a new Leave of Absence request prior to the extension.

The university will not consider a Leave of Absence form submitted after a student’s absence or accept a backdated submission of the form. Failure to complete the required forms will result in the student having to comply with updated requirements or changes in the current catalog, if applicable. Expired leaves of absence are not renewable. Contact the registrar’s office to activate enrollment prior to the return date.

Please note that Azusa Pacific University leaves of absence do not meet the definition of a Title IV Approved Leave of Absence as defined under 34 CFR 668.22 (d). As such, a student will not be reported to the National Student Loan Data System as attending the university during their leave of absence.

Military Leaves of Absence

In the event of deployment and/or other circumstances related to military service that will disrupt a student’s course of study, the student is required to submit the Leave of Absence form to the Office of the Registrar. Attachment of student’s military orders and/or any other supporting documentation connected to leave is required. The form is reviewed by the student’s program director or department chair and the dean. The student may request any length for the leave, as long as it does not begin more than 30 days prior to the assignment date, and does not conclude more than 90 days after the end date stated on the assignment papers.

The university will allow more than one military leave of absence if the student is deployed and/or other circumstance related to military service arises. If a subsequent leave of absence is requested that is not related to military service, then the student must comply with the general Leave of Absence policy for graduate programs. If the student begins the military leave of absence after the add/drop deadline and has courses in progress, the student will be granted a W (Withdrawal) for those courses. Late drops will be considered via written request.  

Students with this status need not reapply or pay readmission fees.