Attendance Regulation
Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Classes are conducted in a manner that will encourage academic excellence and the growth of Christian character. The final authority for attendance and any effect that it might have upon grades rests with the individual faculty member, as identified in the course syllabus. This is due to the tremendous variations in course pedagogy and specific requirements in attendance to meet course outcomes. It is the duty of each faculty member to clearly define the grading and attendance policies for each course, including learning activities that may occur outside the scheduled meeting times, in the course syllabus.
Missed class dates because of late addition of a class to one’s course schedule may be considered unexcused absences. When class sessions are missed due to late enrollment (see the Academic Calendars for add/drop dates), the student remains responsible for learning the missed course content and completing missed assignments, thereby meeting the learning objectives.
In general, a student is allowed up to a total of two weeks of excused absences from a course (e.g., for a 3-unit course, this would be 6 class hours). This includes absences due to university-related activities or athletics, and medical and nonmedical reasons. Students should carefully monitor all of their absences (accumulated for any of the reasons stated below) to ensure they do not exceed a total of two weeks of absences and thus make them unable to meet course outcomes in a satisfactory manner.
Absences: University-Sponsored Activities and Athletics
Field trips and other enrichment activities are an integral part of the education process, and musical groups and athletics teams are often away for scheduled events that are considered excused absences. Exceptions for absences greater than the number in the stated attendance policy above may be authorized through the formal absence notification form. Athletics and/or the sponsoring department will notify the Office of the Provost designee, and subsequently the course faculty.
When it is necessary for a student to miss scheduled classes for university-sponsored student activities, the following process should be followed:
The sponsoring department/program (e.g., athletic team, performance group, Student Government Association, etc.) must electronically submit the appropriate Formal Notification of Student Absence for University-Sponsored Activities and Athletics form to the dean or athletic director at least two weeks prior to the event. The form includes information regarding the event dates, and the students involved and therefore excused from class attendance on the event dates.
If the student will miss chapel, the dean/athletic director must provide the Office of Judicial Affairs with the approved student names and ID numbers for the event that will impact chapel attendance.
If the student will miss class, the dean/athletic director must distribute the approved form without ID numbers to the sponsoring department/program faculty or staff member for distribution to the participating students.
Participating students must use both email and in-person notification to inform their instructors of their approved absence and to discuss their makeup responsibilities and deadlines.
Students whose absences are authorized by formal notification, as described above, from the appropriate dean or athletic director, must be allowed makeup privileges without penalty (e.g., grade reduction or point deduction on an assignment). Students remain responsible for learning the course content and completing assignments, thereby meeting the learning objectives.
It is the responsibility of student-athletes to attend every class session held when they are not ill, involved with a personal emergency, or traveling with their team. Students must exercise responsibility in choosing their level of participation in light of class attendance requirements and thus avoid jeopardizing classroom learning based on participation.
In any discipline (such as nursing or other science) in which clinical or lab hours are required by a state, federal, or professional body for future licensing or credentialing or to effectively pass the course, APU students must abide by the required licensing hours set forth by that governing body. These hours are shown in each semester’s course syllabus, and all students must comply with requirements according to that discipline’s guidelines as delineated in various course syllabi. See the Add and Drop Periods policy if you wish to make any schedule changes.
Absences: Medical Reasons
Absences due to illness, confirmed by verification from a healthcare provider or from the APU Student Health Center, are considered excused absences. The faculty member will require verification of the student’s health status to approve the excused absence.
Students with medical situations that require them to miss a number of class sessions should advise their professors and the dean of student wellness of the situation to seek guidance in meeting course outcomes and accessing other university resources, if applicable. Normally, absences need to extend beyond one week’s worth of classes before the dean of student wellness becomes involved, but the dean of student wellness may need to become involved sooner if a crucial date (such as an exam day) will be missed. If the student is too ill, the dean of student wellness will advise the faculty of the absences.
Absences: Nonmedical Reasons
In certain extreme situations, a student may be forced to miss a number of class sessions for nonmedical reasons, such as family emergency, extreme personal trauma, etc. Students should advise their professors and the dean of student wellness to seek guidance in meeting course outcomes and accessing other university resources, if applicable. Normally, absences need to extend beyond one week’s worth of classes before the dean of student wellness becomes involved, but the dean of student wellness may need to become involved sooner if a crucial date (such as an exam day) must be missed. If the student is not available, the dean of student wellness will advise the faculty of the absences.
Mission/ministry/service/performance trips during the semester that require the student to miss class time are discouraged, and such absences will be considered excused only at the discretion of each course professor.
Jury duty: While APU does encourage students to participate in their civic duty as jurors, accepting such service can cause a student to miss excessive class sessions and important material. APU students are encouraged to request postponements until nonenrolled periods (summer, inter-term, etc.). If a postponement is not possible and a student is summoned and not excused, the student’s absence(s) will be considered excused at the discretion of the professor. Any exceptions to this policy must be granted through the Office of the Provost designee.