Grading, Including Incompletes

Grades are based on the daily work of classroom projects and examinations. Scholarship is ranked as follows:

A Exceptional
B Superior
C Average
D Poor
F Failure
I Incomplete
W Withdrawal

Grade type (A-F versus credit/no credit or pass/fail) cannot change unless an official course change has been approved by the appropriate council prior to the course being offered for a particular term. Unit values for a course cannot be changed from the published values unless an official course change has been approved by the appropriate council prior to the term the course is taken.

For each credit, points are awarded according to the grade earned as follows:

Grade A 4.0 points
Grade A- 3.7 points
Grade B+ 3.3 points
Grade B 3.0 points
Grade B- 2.7 points
Grade C+ 2.3 points
Grade C 2.0 points
Grade C- 1.7 points
Grade D+ 1.3 points
Grade D 1.0 point
Grade D- 0.7 point
Grade F 0 points
Grade FN 0 points; Failure, Nonattending
Grade W1 0 points, Withdrawal
Grade I1 Incomplete
Grade IN1 Incomplete—No Paperwork
Grade NC 0 points, No Credit
Grade AU1 0 points, Audit
Grade CR1 0 points, Credit
Grade P1 0 points, Pass
Grade IP1 0 points, In Progress
Grade NG1 0 points, No Grade

Does not affect grade-point average.

Incomplete (I) Grade

The grade I (Incomplete) is to be given only if special circumstances exist. An Incomplete grade may be given upon recommendation of the professor with permission of the dean and/or chair of the respective school and/or department.

To obtain an Incomplete, the student must fill out the Incomplete Form before the last day of the course. The form will be sent to the instructor, chair, and dean for review and decision. An extension may be granted for up to 12 weeks from the last day of the term. The amount of time and specific coursework required is determined by the faculty member of record, based upon the nature of the student’s request and the remaining work that is to be completed for the course.

An Incomplete not made up within the extended time period will be automatically changed to the grade agreed upon in the Instructor and Student Agreement section of the Incomplete Form. Petitions for one additional extension for up to 12 weeks may be requested and are subject to review and decision by the faculty member, program director, department chair, and/or dean of the school. To petition for an extension, students must fill out a new Incomplete Form. 

The grade IN (Incomplete—No Paperwork) is a temporary grade that may be recorded by an instructor while the Incomplete Form is in process. An IN entered by the instructor without the subsequent submission of the proper form will automatically become an F. Work corrected or completed after the close of the grading period, without an approved Incomplete Form, does not justify a grade change (see also Grade Change Process).

A grade of D- or better is required in professional undergraduate courses taken at APU to satisfy General Education requirements or to receive a passing grade in major courses unless a higher grade is specified by your major/department. Students who want to transfer a course from another institution to satisfy General Education requirements or major requirements must earn a grade of C- or better. General Education courses that satisfy major requirements may require a higher grade than the minimums listed above.

All professional undergraduate students must earn a minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0 in all university work attempted. Transfer students must also earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in work completed at Azusa Pacific University. Some departments/schools also require a minimum cumulative GPA for major courses.