Minor in Leadership

APU’s leadership minor equips students to be proficient strengths-driven leaders as part of their overall pursuit of excellence in their chosen fields.

18 units

The undergraduate leadership minor capitalizes upon the university’s intention to develop disciples and scholars who seek to advance the work of God in the world. This minor does so by encouraging students to pursue excellence in their chosen major while also seeking proficiency as strengths-driven leaders. Students are encouraged toward lifelong development (as people and as leaders) and have the opportunity to create, articulate, and practice their own philosophy of Christian leadership.

Courses are thoughtful, challenging, and relationally focused while providing opportunities for reflection, conversation, and research. Students in the minor learn about whole-person development, leadership and virtue, the role of personal strengths and skills in good leadership, and how to lead as agents of change. Disciplined self-leadership, combined with the knowledge of how to facilitate effective collaboration, make leadership minor graduates an asset to any context in which they may serve. 

Mission Statement

The leadership minor seeks to educate and inspire students to integrate their faith into their calling and, as people of integrity, live purposefully for the glory of God.

Benefits of Adding a Minor

A minor can help students complement their bachelor’s degree and stand out to future employers, expanding their employment opportunities while they study an additional area of interest. The versatility of the leadership minor complements any major, giving students the opportunity to demonstrate management expertise in any field and possibly providing an edge in their job search, as well as adding knowledge that can be used throughout an individual’s career. 


The minor in leadership comprises 18 units of leadership coursework.

Note: Seniors may take one course in the MA in Leadership program. If a student is accepted into the MA in Leadership, the course will count toward that degree as well.

Core Courses
LDRS 333Leadership Influence and Impact S 3
ENTR 312Creativity and Innovation F3
MGMT 211Organizational Leadership 13
MGMT 212Managing Diverse Teams and Groups 13
Select two of the following:
Business Internship 2
Life Design and Self-Leadership F
Special Topics in Leadership S
EQ I: Self-Leadership
Business Management Internship 2
Introduction to Organizational Theory and Design
Ethical Leadership
Coaching Techniques and Application
Total Units18

Meets the General Education Social Sciences requirement. 


Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement.

F Offered in Fall only
S Offered in Spring only
F/S Offered in both Fall and Spring terms
EF Offered in Fall in even years
ES Offered in Spring in even years
OF Offered in Fall in odd years
OS Offered in Spring in odd years