MA in Pastoral Studies (MAPS)

Azusa Pacific’s M.A. in Pastoral Studies program is designed for those seeking preparation in a specialized field of ministry. Concentrations include church leadership and development, urban studies, and youth ministry.

For more information: (626) 815-5451

NOTE: The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies program in Korean is not admitting new students for the 2024-25 academic year.

Mission Statement

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS) program prepares women and men for a specialized field of church ministry through a program of study comprising 48 units in biblical, theological, and ministerial studies. An important feature of the program is the intentional integration of academic and experiential components.

Exceptions to Admission Requirements

A limited number of applicants who do not have baccalaureate degrees but have extensive ministerial experience may be considered for admission. For a description of the standards governing this exception, contact Azusa Pacific Seminary. Students admitted under this exception must obtain a B or better in their first 12 units of coursework.

Program of Studies

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies requires 48 units of coursework: 28 units of core courses, 12 units in a selected ministry concentration, 3 units of Mentored Ministry, 1 unit for the Community Retreat, and 4 units of a Capstone Project. Most students either concentrate in church leadership and development or urban studies, or decide to use their 12 units of general electives to develop their own areas of interest.

Requirements for the MA in Pastoral Studies, Church Leadership and Development Concentration

Today’s hurried, fragmented society calls for healthy, effective ministry leaders. This concentration provides students with education in practical ministry, with particular focus on leadership development and spiritual formation, equipping ministers for the broad, multifaceted needs of the contemporary Church. Concentration outcomes build on the Azusa Pacific Seminary core competencies and MAPS program outcomes.

Concentration Outcomes

  • Synthesize the vital role of healthy church management for the empowerment of the laity.
  • Develop vocational proficiency and leadership ability.
  • Apply ministry principles of Christ-like formation for lifelong ministry effectiveness and personal growth.
Biblical Studies Core8
Biblical Interpretation: Exploring Genesis
Select one of the following:
Torah and Prophets: Exodus-2 Kings
Paul the Pastor and Theologian
Theological Studies Core8
Christian Theology
Select one of the following:
Church History I
Church History II
Ministry Core8
Christian Formation and Discipleship
Ministry Life and Leadership
Integrated Core4
The Gospels and Christology
Mentored Ministry4
Community Retreat
Mentored Ministry 1
Church Leadership and Development Concentration12
Servant Leadership and Church Management
Contemporary Issues in Ministry
Select one of the following:
The Missional Church
Seminar in Ministry
Integrative Ministry Project
Total Units48

Repeat for a total of 3 units. 

Requirements for the MA in Pastoral Studies, Urban Studies Concentration 

The North American Church is becoming increasingly urbanized. To prepare students for ministry in the city, this concentration engages them with urban social structures, trends, and ministry strategies. Issues of contextualization, social analysis, and cross-cultural communication will be addressed.

NOTE: This concentration is available only for students in the Spanish-language MAPS program.

Concentration Outcomes

  • Evaluate and apply ministry concepts, theories, and methodologies found in the urban setting.
  • Develop cultural awareness and sensitivity for ministry in the urban context.
  • Analyze the methods of evangelism and discipleship unique to the city.
Biblical Studies Core8
Biblical Interpretation: Exploring Genesis
Select one of the following:
Torah and Prophets: Exodus-2 Kings
Paul the Pastor and Theologian
Theological Studies Core8
Christian Theology
Select one of the following:
Church History I
Church History II
Ministry Core8
Christian Formation and Discipleship
Ministry Life and Leadership
Integrated Core4
The Gospels and Christology
Mentored Ministry4
Community Retreat
Mentored Ministry 1
Urban Studies Concentration12
Urban Sociology and Christian Ministry
Current Issues in Urban Ministry
Select one of the following:
City in Theological Perspective
Urban Cross-Cultural Ministry
Integrative Ministry Project
Total Units48

 Repeat for a total of 3 units.

Requirements for the MA in Pastoral Studies, General Electives Concentration

Biblical Studies Core Courses8
Biblical Interpretation: Exploring Genesis
Select one of the following:
Torah and Prophets: Exodus-2 Kings
Paul the Pastor and Theologian
Theology and Ethics Core8
Christian Theology
Select one of the following:
Church History I
Church History II
Ministry Core8
Christian Formation and Discipleship
Ministry Life and Leadership
Integrated Core4
The Gospels and Christology
Mentored Ministry4
Community Retreat
Mentored Ministry 1
General Electives Concentration12
Integrative Ministry Project
Total Units48

Repeat for a total of 3 units

Additional Degree Requirements

Supervised Ministry

All students should devote at least eight hours per week, for the duration of the program, to the practice of some form of supervised ministry in an approved church or parachurch field center. In order to graduate, students must maintain at least a 2.7 grade-point average.

Time Limit

The program must be completed within 10 years from the date of admission. APU coursework completed more than 10 years prior to completion of degree requirements is not acceptable toward the degree.


University graduate admission and program-specific requirements must be met before an application is complete (see Admission to the University). Program-specific application requirements are available online.

International students should contact Graduate and Professional Admissions for application procedures.