Minor in Nutrition (Traditional BSN)

APU’s minor in nutrition emphasizes the four pillars of a healthful lifestyle: physical activity, good diet, healthy choices, and preventative screening.

18 units

The minor in nutrition is available to any APU student interested in expanding his or her skills in this specialized area of preventative health. Emphasis within this minor is on the four pillars of a healthful lifestyle: physical activity, good diet, healthy choices, and preventative screening—all crucial for national health. Contact the School of Nursing for the proposed study plan, verification of course offerings, and program availability.


Fitness for Life - Any Fitness for Life Course1
UNRS 120Fundamentals of Human Nutrition3
UNRS 260Nutrition2
UNRS 280Life Cycle Nutrition3
UNRS 300Complementary and Alternative Therapies: Herbs, Supplements, and Nutrition3
UNRS 320Cultural Aspects of Food and Nutrition3
KIN 360Nutrition for Exercise and Sport Science3
Total Units18