Pupil Personnel Services: School Psychology Credential

For more information: (626) 815-5026
Prerequisite: Master of Arts in Education: Educational Counseling with Embedded Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Counseling
A required transcript evaluation of students’ courses will determine which courses will count toward the PPS: School Psychology Credential.
Requirements are the same as for Azusa Pacific University’s Educational Specialist in School Psychology with Embedded Master of Arts in Education: Educational Psychology and Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology program, with the exception that no graduate research project is required.
Students must pass the PRAXIS II School Psychology #5403 Exam with a score of 155 or greater. Credential-only candidates may be eligible to become a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP); candidates are advised to contact the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) certification board to determine if their degrees meet NCSP requirements.
A student has a maximum of five years to complete all coursework and assessments, beginning the first date of enrollment for coursework in the credential program.
University graduate admission and program-specific requirements must be met before an application is complete (see Admission to the University). Program-specific application requirements are available online.
International students should contact Graduate and Professional Admissions for application procedures.