Program Expectations

  • APU School of Education candidates prepare to work in schools as educators, including teachers, school and district leaders, school counselors and psychologists, and other specialty personnel. They must demonstrate the content, pedagogy, and writing skills and dispositions required of the profession. Therefore, the School of Education assesses candidates from admission through recommendation of credentials in both academic and dispositional standards.
  • Candidates are expected to maintain a high level of professional and ethical behavior throughout the program. Failure to do so may result in discipline up to and including program dismissal.
  • All candidates must have access to technology (i.e., computer and internet connectivity). Additional technology requirements are necessary for some programs. Check the program descriptions in this catalog for more information.
  • Candidates who live in, work at, or relocate to a location more than 50 miles from the nearest Azusa campus (including regional campuses) must request approval from the department to participate in fieldwork and/or clinical experience at a distance following the process outlined in the Clinical Experience Locations section below. If the location is approved, the candidate may be assessed charges to cover the costs (e.g., travel, lodging, etc.) for fieldwork and/or clinical experience supervision.
  • All credential standards and requirements for educator preparation programs are subject to CTC, CAEP, and federal policy changes, as well as university academic policy, and these supersede catalog descriptions of prior programs and requirements.
  • Candidates participating in credential programs or bachelor's, master’s or education specialist degree programs with credential embedded must be covered by professional liability insurance in their capacity as credential candidates.
  • Candidates participating in fieldwork and/or clinical experience who are driving to school or agency sites must have proof of auto insurance.

Clinical Experience Locations

Candidates are required to complete fieldwork and/or clinical experience at sites where the School of Education has an executed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), at sites that engage in ongoing partnership and collaboration with the School of Education, and at sites that are located within 50 miles of the nearest Azusa Pacific University campus where School of Education programs are offered (including regional locations). In rare instances, a candidate may be approved to participate in fieldwork and/or clinical experience at a location more than 50 miles from the nearest Azusa Pacific University campus; for a candidate to request consideration for such a placement, they must submit an Academic General Petition providing a clear rationale as to why it is not possible to complete fieldwork and/or clinical experience at a site within 50 miles of the nearest Azusa Pacific University campus. If an MOU covering the fieldwork and/or clinical experience is not already in place with the requested site, the Academic General Petition must be submitted at least 4 months prior to the semester in which the fieldwork and/or clinical experience is scheduled to occur. When the Academic General Petition is approved, the School of Education will attempt to secure an executed MOU with the requested site, but there is no guarantee that the School of Education will be able to secure an executed MOU. If an MOU covering the fieldwork and/or clinical experience is in place with the requested site and valid throughout the time frame of the fieldwork and/or clinical experience, the Academic General Petition must be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the semester in which the fieldwork and/or clinical experience is scheduled to occur. An Academic General Petition approved by the department and the School of Education dean’s office, along with an executed MOU, is required before a candidate may begin any fieldwork and/or clinical experience more than 50 miles from the nearest Azusa Pacific University campus.

Certificate of Clearance

Azusa Pacific University requires candidates who are admitted to any program within the School of Education, or to credential programs housed within other schools in the university, to have and maintain a Certificate of Clearance or a valid and current credential for teaching, administration, counseling, school psychology, or nursing from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Candidates who allow their Certificate of Clearance or other clearance document from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to expire will be prevented from enrolling in future terms. For more information, contact the Office of Credentials at

Assessment System (Watermark’s™ Student Learning & Licensure)

The School of Education uses Watermark’s™ Student Learning & Licensure assessment system to support the collection and analysis of student outcomes in all degree and credential programs. All School of Education candidates enrolled in a program leading to an educator credential are required to submit particular assignments and other forms in Watermark’s™ Student Learning & Licensure (often via Canvas submission) by the deadline specified in the course syllabus. Successful evaluation of necessary submissions is required for degree completion and/or recommendation for a credential to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that assignments and forms are submitted as indicated in the assessment system. All assessment-system-related inquiries may be sent to

Office of Credentials

The Office of Credentials provides a centralized location in which prospective and current School of Education candidates, faculty, staff, and the community can receive accurate, comprehensive, and complete information and advisement regarding the requirements involved in obtaining California credentials and certificates authorizing service in California schools. It is the candidate’s responsibility to submit a credential application through the Office of Credentials upon completion of a credential program in order to receive their California educator’s credential. The Office of Credentials also provides credential-related services to subject-matter preparation programs and credential programs offered through the School of the Arts, School of Behavioral Sciences, School of Health Sciences, School of Humanities and Sciences, and the School of Nursing. For more information, email