Minor in Youth and Family Ministries

APU’s youth and family ministries minor helps students develop a personal philosophy of ministry based on their strengths and calling to apply in future church leadership roles.


18 units

Successful completion of the minor requires a 2.5 cumulative GPA in all courses required for the minor.

MINY 203Introduction to Contemporary Youth and Family Ministries3
WRIT 200Writing 2: Writing for Christian Practice 13
or MIN 206 Introduction to Practical Theology
MIN 301Adolescent Development in Family Ministry3
MINY 400Christian Values and Human Sexuality3
Select two of the following:6
Evangelism and Discipleship
Writing 3: Culture and Ministry 2
Mentoring and Small Groups
Topics in Ministry
Intercultural Ministries 3
Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling
Christian Mission in the 21st Century
Communicating the Gospel
Suffering: Theological and Practical Perspectives on Disabilities
Race, Reconciliation, and Ministry 3
Spiritual Transformation
Exegeting the City
Studying and Teaching the Bible
Adolescent Issues and Intervention
Total Units18

Meets the General Education Writing 2 requirement. 


Meets the General Education Writing 3 requirement. 


Meets the General Education Intercultural Competence requirement.