Minor in Cultural Engagement

APU’s cultural engagement minor equips students to critically and theologically reflect on how their engagement with significant societal issues and their professional pursuits should be informed by their particular faith commitments.

18 units


MIN 108Christian Life, Faith, and Ministry 13
WRIT 200Writing 2: Writing for Christian Practice 23
or MIN 206 Introduction to Practical Theology
THEO 200Theology and the Christian Life 33
PHIL 301Practical Ethics 43
or PHIL 330 Ethics
MNCE 310Practical Theology and Contemporary Issues3
MNCE 415Practical Theology and Vocational Engagement3
Total Units18

Meets the General Education Biblical, Theological, and Philosophical Formation requirement.


WRIT 200 meets the General Education Writing 2 requirement.


Meets the General Education Theology requirement.


PHIL 301 meets the General Education Civic Knowledge and Engagement requirement.