Minor in Spanish

Students in APU’s Spanish minor have many great opportunities to apply their learning in the heavily Spanish-speaking Los Angeles area.

24 units


Students in the Spanish minor are required to take 24 units of coursework. The actual number of units may be reduced. See note 2 below. Students in the Spanish minor must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all university coursework.

Core Courses15
Elementary Spanish I 1, 2
Elementary Spanish II 1, 2
Intermediate Spanish I F
Intermediate Spanish II S
Writing 2: Writing for the Humanities in Spanish 3, S
Conversational Skills3
Select one of the following:
Intermediate Conversation and Writing Abroad
Spanish Conversation and Community 4, F
Spanish for Heritage Speakers F
Advanced Language-Study Practicum
Select two from the following list. A course taken to meet the above Subject Courses may not count for elective credit.
Cultural History/Travel Study (If taken in Costa Rica or Ecuador Program) 4
The Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Experience 4
Transforming Leadership: Ethnic Studies and Latinx Christian Practice
Latinx Psychology
Advanced Language-Study Practicum
History and Civilization of the Spanish-speaking World F
Literary Masters 5, F
Politics and Society in Latin America 6, OS
Public Speaking in Spanish 7, OF
Spanish Applied Linguistics EF
Writing 3: Survey of the Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World 8, S
Luke/Acts through a Latinx Lens 9
Total Units24

Meets the General Education Foreign Language requirement. 


See General Education Requirements page. Students who are native speakers of Spanish or have 3-4 years of high school Spanish should take the Spanish placement or CLEP exam, then consult with an advisor before entering intermediate or upper-division work. A CLEP score of 50 waives SPAN 101 and SPAN 102. A CLEP score of 63 also waives SPAN 201. A CLEP score of 74 also waives SPAN 202.


Meets the General Education Writing 2 requirement. 


Meets the General Education Intercultural Competence requirement.


Meets the General Education Humanities: Literature requirement. 


Meets the General Education Civic Knowledge and Engagement requirement.


Meets the General Education Oral Communication requirement.


Meets the General Education Writing 3 requirement. 


Meets the General Education Luke/Acts requirement.

F Offered in Fall only
S Offered in Spring only
F/S Offered in both Fall and Spring terms
EF Offered in Fall in even years
ES Offered in Spring in even years
OF Offered in Fall in odd years
OS Offered in Spring in odd years