BA in Sociology

Students in the sociology major study human behavior and social life as they prepare for careers in a broad range of fields.

42 units

Sociology is the study of social life and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. The subject matter of sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob, from crime to religion, and from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture. In fact, few fields have such a broad scope and relevance.

Both academic sociology and Christian faith offer perspectives on human behavior and social life—partner perspectives in a dialogue meant to express a more complete and unified picture of the truth about social reality and human experience. Biblical insights and values clarify understanding of sociology, and sociology in turn teaches more about Christian faith.

“Christian sociology” provides an intellectual and spiritual foundation for personal development and service. Self-understanding comes from discovering connections with other people. It is through interaction in families, schools, churches, and communities that individuals develop as persons, and it is this mutual dependence that forms the basis for moral life. The heart for service, an important outcome of dependence on God and relationships with others, is practically manifested and modeled as God’s love through the actions of those who serve.


In keeping with the principles of liberal arts education, the mission of the sociology major is to lead students in exploring the relationships between individuals, groups, social institutions, and culture, to facilitate the development of skills necessary for the study and critical analysis of these relationships from the perspective of Christian faith, and to develop a community of scholars who have a solid grasp of social theory and research, and who are prepared to systematically confront social problems and enact change at all levels of society.

Career Opportunities

As a strong liberal arts major, sociology provides several options for students who complete their BA degree:

  • A BA in Sociology is excellent preparation for graduate work in sociology to become a professor, researcher, or applied sociologist.
  • The undergraduate degree provides a strong liberal arts preparation for entry-level positions throughout the education, business, social service, and government arenas. Employers look for people with the skills that an undergraduate education in sociology provides.
  • Sociology offers valuable preparation for careers in ministry, teaching, journalism, politics, public relations, business, criminal justice, or public administration—fields that involve investigative skills and working with diverse groups.
  • Many students choose sociology because they see it as a broad liberal arts base for professions such as law, education, medicine, social work, and counseling. Sociology provides a rich fund of knowledge that directly pertains to each of these fields.


A total of 42 units is required for the major. A minimum grade-point average of 2.0 is required in these courses.

Required Core Courses
MATH 130Introduction to Statistics 13
SOC 120Introduction to Sociology 23
SOC 298Basic Sociological Theory F3
Select one of the following:3
Writing 3: Qualitative Social Research Methods 3, F
Writing 3: Quantitative Social Research Methods 3, S
Elective Courses30
Select 30 units from the following:
Introduction to Ethnic Studies 4
Social Psychology
Comparative Family Systems
Race and Ethnicity 4
Human Diversity 4
Immigrant L.A.
Sociology of Religion OS
Education and Society F
Community S
The Sociology of Gender
Field Internships 5
Social Movements ES
Social Stratification F
Contemporary Social Theory OS
Special Topics
Senior Seminar: Faith and Social Issues 5
Up to 6 of the 30 elective units may be selected from the following:
The Asian American Experience 4
The African American Experience 4
The Chicano(a)/Latino(a) Experience 4
Native American/Indigenous Experience 4
Contemporary Social Problems
Social Welfare Policy and Service
Aging: Implications for Policy and Practice
Child Welfare
Family Violence
Total Units42

Meets the General Education Quantitative Literacy requirement. 


Meets the General Education Social Sciences requirement.


Meets the General Education Writing 3 requirement.


Meets the General Education Intercultural Competence requirement.


Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement.

F Offered in Fall only
S Offered in Spring only
F/S Offered in both Fall and Spring terms
EF Offered in Fall in even years
ES Offered in Spring in even years
OF Offered in Fall in odd years
OS Offered in Spring in odd years