Preprofessional Programs


While any major is compatible with medicine, an emphasis on science courses is mandatory for completion of the academic prerequisites of medical and dental schools. Azusa Pacific’s Department of Biology and Chemistry offers excellent curricula for such programs. Students enjoy strong academic advising on preparatory coursework, and a great deal of personal contact with professors within the classroom and advising environments.

Students enter the premedical/predental track by application, usually not earlier than the second semester of the sophomore year. Admission to the program is based on an evaluation of academic success and realistic plans for a health career. Students who successfully complete this track have a high success rate for acceptance into medical and dental schools. The program equips students to integrate scientific, cultural, and religious views, and develops the skills and objectivity necessary for the advancement of scientific knowledge.

To assist in attaining this goal, APU provides an advisor and a premedical/predental advisory committee to assist students in course selection, monitor academic progress, provide information on medical and dental school admission policies, conduct mock interviews, and, in general, aid students in focusing their preparation for medical or dental school.

In addition, career seminars and a Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) review course (BIOL 470) led by the university premedical advisor are offered. A high MCAT score and a high grade-point average are necessary in applying to a medical school.

In addition to the General Education requirement, the following is typical of the academic prerequisites required by most medical and dental schools:

CHEM 151
CHEM 152
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry II 1
CHEM 251
CHEM 252
Organic Chemistry: Theory I
and Organic Chemistry: Theory II
CHEM 261
CHEM 262
Organic Chemistry - Lab
and Organic Chemistry - Lab
BIOL 151
BIOL 152
General Biology I
and General Biology II 1
MATH 165
MATH 166
Calculus I
and Calculus II
Select one of the following:8-10
Physics for Life Sciences I
and Physics for Life Sciences II 1
Physics for Science and Engineering: Mechanics
and Physics for Science and Engineering: Electricity and Magnetism 1
PHYC 145Physics Laboratory I1
PHYC 146Physics Laboratory II1

CHEM 151, BIOL 151PHYC 155, and PHYC 165 meet the General Education Natural Sciences requirement.

The following courses also provide excellent preparation for medical school:

BIOC 360Principles of Biochemistry4
BIOC 270
BIOC 370
Biomolecular Chemistry
and Biomolecular Metabolism
BIOL 240Biology of Microorganisms4
BIOL 280Cell Biology4
BIOL 300Genetics4
BIOL 336Vertebrate Biology4
BIOL 346Regional Human Anatomy4
BIOL 350Mammalian Physiology4
CHEM 300
CHEM 310
Quantitative Chemical Analysis - Theory
and Quantitative Chemical Analysis - Laboratory
PSYC 110General Psychology 13
SOC 120Introduction to Sociology 13

Meets the General Education Social Sciences requirement.


Physical and occupational therapy programs require the completion of prerequisite science courses. Azusa Pacific’s Department of Biology and Chemistry offers excellent curricula and faculty mentoring to complete these mandatory requirements. Students benefit from strong academic advising on preparatory coursework from a committee that includes a doctor of physical therapy as the committee chair.

Students enter the pre-PT/OT track by application while completing BIOL 251 Human Physiology. Admission to the program is based on an evaluation of academic success and realistic plans for a health career. Students in this track can anticipate a high success rate for admission to physical or occupational therapy schools as they become familiar with the physical/occupational therapy school admission process (PTCAS/OTCAS) through personalized, step-by-step advising and a mock interview with the pre-PT/OT committee. In addition, students have the opportunity to receive a committee letter in support of their physical or occupational therapy school application.

In addition to the General Education requirement, the following is typical of the academic prerequisites required by most physical and occupational therapy programs:

General Biology I 1
Human Anatomy
Human Physiology
BIOL Elective
General Chemistry I 1
General Chemistry II
Physics Laboratory I
Physics Laboratory II
Physics for Life Sciences I 1
Physics for Life Sciences II
Exercise Physiology

The BA in Allied Health is designed to fulfill the PT/OT graduate program requirements without any need for additional coursework.


Azusa Pacific University’s Department of History and Political Science offers a prelaw minor for students interested in law school. The 21-unit minor includes courses in political science, criminal law, constitutional law, and political philosophy. The department’s prelaw advisor assists prelaw students in selecting appropriate courses and in the process of identifying and applying to law schools.