BS in Applied Mathematics

APU’s applied mathematics major prepares quantitative experts in actuarial science, computer science, physics, teaching, mathematical research (for business, government, or the academy), cryptography, economics, statistics and data analysis, and more.

59-63 units

Students in the applied mathematics major learn to solve problems from a variety of disciplines by developing mathematical models, applying computational algorithms, and analyzing results. The applied mathematics major allows students to choose either the standard track or one of four concentrations:

  • Actuarial Science Concentration
  • Computer Science Concentration
  • Physics Concentration
  • Statistics and Data Science Concentration

Students majoring in applied mathematics are encouraged to consider a minor in statistics. For qualified students, an advising pathway is available to pursue a BS in Applied Mathematics with computer science concentration and an MS in Applied Statistics and Data Science in a total of 5 years. Ask your academic advisor for details.

Career Opportunities

This major prepares students to be quantitative experts in a variety of fields: actuarial science, computer science, physics, university teaching, mathematical research (for business, government, or the academy), cryptography, finance and economics, statistics and data analysis, or operations research and management consulting. APU mathematics graduates have advanced to prestigious graduate schools and have moved into attractive industry positions.

Students preparing to teach mathematics at the secondary level or to pursue graduate studies in pure mathematics are encouraged to consider the mathematics major instead of the applied mathematics major.


MATH 165Calculus I3
MATH 166Calculus II3
MATH 167Sequences and Series F1
MATH 250Data Analysis F3
MATH 268Multivariable Calculus3
MATH 270Ordinary Differential Equations S4
MATH 295Applied Linear Algebra F3
MATH 361Introduction to Modeling with Probability3
MATH 455Numerical Analysis ES3
MATH 480Writing 3: Mathematical Reading, Writing, and Presentation 1, F3
MATH 496Mathematics Senior Seminar 2, S3
CS 120Introduction to Computer Science I 34
Choose the standard track or one of the concentrations below23-27
Total Units59-63

Standard Applied Mathematics Track

Standard Applied Mathematics Track Requirements
MATH 269Vector Calculus OF2
MATH 370Partial Differential Equations OS3
MATH 375Dynamical Systems OF3
MATH 470Complex Analysis ES3
CS 125Introduction to Computer Science II4
PHYC 165Physics for Science and Engineering: Mechanics 4, F4
PHYC 145Physics Laboratory I1
Select at least 3 units from the following:3-5
Mathematical Statistics EF
Advanced Topics in Mathematics
Physics for Science and Engineering: Electricity and Magnetism
and Physics Laboratory II S
Computational Methods for Physics EF
Total Units23-25

Actuarial Science Concentration

Actuarial Science Concentration Requirements
MATH 362Mathematical Statistics EF3
ACCT 120Principles of Accounting I3
ACCT 121Principles of Accounting II3
ECON 200Survey of Economics 53
FIN 300Business Finance for Managers3
FIN 330Financial Analysis F3
FIN 432Investment Analysis S3
FIN 436Financial Risk Management F3
Total Units24

Computer Science Concentration

Computer Science Concentration Requirements
MATH 269Vector Calculus OF2
CS 125Introduction to Computer Science II4
CS 160Discrete Structures3
CS 260Algorithms and Data Structures3
PHYC 165
PHYC 145
Physics for Science and Engineering: Mechanics
and Physics Laboratory I 4, F
Select 6 units from the following:6
Advanced Topics in Mathematics
Database Management Systems 6
Computer Architecture and Organization
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Advanced Database Application Programming
Total Units23

Physics Concentration

Physics Concentration Requirements
MATH 269Vector Calculus OF2
MATH 370Partial Differential Equations OS3
PHYC 165Physics for Science and Engineering: Mechanics 4, F4
PHYC 166Physics for Science and Engineering: Electricity and Magnetism S4
PHYC 167Physics for Science and Engineering: Relativity1
PHYC 168Physics for Science and Engineering: Waves and Thermodynamics3
PHYC 145Physics Laboratory I1
PHYC 146Physics Laboratory II1
PHYC 147Physics Laboratory III1
PHYC 380Classical Mechanics OF4
Select 3 units from the following:3
Dynamical Systems OF
Complex Analysis
Advanced Topics in Mathematics
Electricity and Magnetism ES
Thermodynamics ES
Computational Methods for Physics EF
Total Units27

Statistics and Data Science Concentration

Statistics and Data Science Concentration Requirements
MATH 350Statistical Models ES3
MATH 362Mathematical Statistics3
MATH 492Ethics in Data Analytics S2
CS 125Introduction to Computer Science II4
Select one of:3
Discrete Mathematics and Proof F
Discrete Structures
Select 9 units from the following:9
Algorithms and Data Structures
Machine Learning
Econometrics EF
Discrete Systems Modeling and Simulation
Real Analysis EF
Data Visualization F
Advanced Topics in Mathematics
Applied Regression Analysis S
Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments
Data Mining S
Total Units24

Meets the General Education Writing 3 requirement. 


Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement.


Meets the General Education Oral Communication requirement if taken with CS 290 and CS 480, or ENGR 240 and ENGR 480.


Meets the General Education Natural Sciences requirement. Students must complete both PHYC 165 and PHYC 145 to fulfill the GE Natural Sciences requirement.


Meets the General Education Social Sciences requirement.


Meets the General Education Oral Communication requirement if taken with CS 120 and CS 480

F Offered in Fall only
S Offered in Spring only
F/S Offered in both Fall and Spring terms
EF Offered in Fall in even years
ES Offered in Spring in even years
OF Offered in Fall in odd years
OS Offered in Spring in odd years