Department of English

The Department of English and Modern Languages introduces students to significant works of the literary imagination, guides student conversational development in languages other than English, and helps students develop their composition and reading skills.


The Department of English introduces students to significant works of the literary imagination, guides their development in language and composition, and encourages them to read attentively, reflect deeply, write cogently, and express themselves creatively, all to glorify God and serve others. 


The department offers an English major, English minor, and creative writing minor, as well as an English Education concentration within the major for students interested in becoming English teachers. For more information about this program, contact the department at (626) 812-3079.

Career Opportunities

Teaching is still a strong interest of many English and language majors, but equally valid are career goals in ministry, law, business, medicine, and government services. Communication areas such as advertising, technical writing, editing, publishing, and library science, or any field that requires clarity of written expression and the ability to analyze and organize effective responses, are also appealing career opportunities. English majors are encouraged to double major or at least minor in a complementary field such as business, religion, psychology, or communication, so that their language skills can be applied to a different professional field.



Windy Petrie, PhD

Director of Graduate Studies

Emily Griesinger, PhD


Joseph Bentz, PhD

Patricia Brown, PhD

Emily Griesinger, PhD

Carole Lambert, PhD

Christopher Noble, PhD

Windy Petrie, PhD

Associate Professors

Michael Dean Clark, PhD

Caleb Spencer, PhD

Faculty Emeriti

Thomas Allbaugh, PhD

Nancy Brashear, PhD

Eric Drewry, JD, PhD

Mark Eaton, PhD

David Esselstrom, PhD

Adjunct Faculty

Gail Bouslough, PhD

Jonathan Catalan, MA

Chiung-Li Chang, MA

Edgar Escoto, MA

Elizabeth Hauff, MA

Paulina Martinez, MA

Yumi Parks, MA

Michael Pereira, MA

William Ripley, MA

Douglas Smith, MA