BA in Cinematic Arts

APU’s comprehensive cinematic arts major helps students develop a spiritually aware, critical, and creative outlook as they are immersed in hands-on filmmaking with state-of-the-art equipment and expert instruction by faculty-mentors with professional experience.

46-49 units

The cinematic arts major (BA) offers three concentrations:

Entertainment Executive: This concentration is geared toward those more interested in the business suite rather than the film set. It appeals to those who have an orientation to detail (budgeting, scheduling, and permitting), while at the same time engaging the creative producing processes (packaging stars with stories, collecting capital to produce programming, and following up with domestic and international marketing plans).

Production and Post: This concentration focuses on developing basic skills in film production (writing, directing, and producing), with a greater emphasis on mastery of postproduction (editing and sound). It is designed for students unable to meet the 75-unit/8-semester Bachelor of Fine Arts in Cinematic Arts Production program demands but who are still interested in preparing for a wide range of production careers in the entertainment industry.

Screen Studies: Through in-depth study of film history, theory, and criticism, this concentration explores the function and meaning of cinematic media within its context as a vibrant industry, an agent of cultural change, and a powerful means of reflecting our Creator’s image. Equips students interested in careers as scholars, media programmers, archivists, reviewers, festival organizers, and curators.


All cinematic arts majors must complete the core requirements as well as the requirements for one of the concentrations.

Core Courses
CINE 119Introduction to Directing3
CINE 200History of Art and Music for Cinematic Arts3
CINE 260Cinema-TV Production I4
CINE 295Film and Television Business3
CINE 361Production Management3
WRIT 220Writing 2: Film Analysis and Criticism 13
Select one of the following:3
History of Television and Digital Media 2
History of Film 2
Select one of the following:3
Writing 3: Screenwriting 3
Writing 3: Nonfiction Writing for Visual Media 3
Select one of the following: 3
Media Criticism and Theory (required in the screen studies concentration; screen studies students must choose a different option here)
Studies in Popular Culture
Topics in Cinema and History
Contemporary Auteurs
Genre Studies
Topics in Film Analysis
Ethics in Cinematic Arts
Recommended Course
Internship and Career Preparation for Cinematic Arts 4
Select one concentration area below18-21
Total Units46-49

Meets the General Education Writing 2 requirement.


Meets the General Education Humanities: Fine Arts requirement.


Meets the General Education Writing 3 requirement.


May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 units.

Production and Post Concentration

CINE 280Writing the Short Screenplay3
CINE 321Film and Television Editing3
CINE 322Sound Design3
CINE 335Cinema-TV Production II5
CINE 493Capstone Project in Cinematic Arts 13
Select one of the following:3
Visual Effects and Compositing
Advanced Post-Production
Total Units20

Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement. 

Entertainment Executive Concentration

CINE 280Writing the Short Screenplay3
CINE 362Entertainment Development3
CINE 363Entertainment Financing3
CINE 364Entertainment Marketing3
CINE 493Capstone Project in Cinematic Arts 13
Select one of the following:3
Performance and Production (Production Crew)
Production Development
Capstone Production Development
Total Units18

Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement. 

Screen Studies Concentration

CINE 341Media Criticism and Theory (required for concentration; cannot count for core)3
CINE 351Film and Social Issues 13
CINE 451World Cinema 13
CINE 493Capstone Project in Cinematic Arts 23
Select three of the following not selected to fulfill requirements above:9
Studies in Popular Culture
Topics in Cinema and History
Advanced Film Theory
Contemporary Auteurs
Genre Studies
Topics in Film Analysis
Special Topics (Film and TV Studies)
Ethics in Cinematic Arts
Total Units21

Meets the General Education Intercultural Competence requirement.


Meets the General Education Integrative and Applied Learning requirement.