BA in Animation and Visual Effects

APU’s animation and visual effects major prepares students to make a difference as skilled animators and storytellers in an influential industry.

75 units

Learn more about the animation and visual effects major. 


Animation and Visual Effects
CINE 174Introduction to Storytelling3
ART 230Figurative Lab3
ANIM 111Digital Methods2
ANIM 190Introduction to Animation Principles and Techniques3
ANIM 192Animation Preproduction3
ANIM 1033D Art I3
CINE 317Cinematic Design3
ANIM 200Animation Production I3
ANIM 202Storyboarding for Animation I3
ANIM 212Character Design I3
WRIT 220Writing 2: Film Analysis and Criticism 13
CINE 375Writing 3: Screenwriting 23
ANIM 392Character Animation II3
ANIM 395Animation Film Workshop3
ANIM 445Portfolio Review and Career Preparation1
CINE 451World Cinema 33
CINE 475Civic Engagement Through Media 43
ANIM 493Capstone Project in Animation (course is taken twice)6
Select one of the following:3
History of Television and Digital Media 5
History of Film 5
Select one of the following:3
Layout Fundamentals
3D Art II
Select five of the following (not taken above):15
Layout Fundamentals
3D Art II
Visual Development
3D Character Modeling
Storyboarding for Animation II
CG Layout and Previsualization
Sound Design
Visual Effects and Compositing
Capstone Production Development
Internship and Career Preparation for Cinematic Arts
Special Topics
Game Development I
Game Narrative
Game Level and Environmental Design
Total Units75

Meets the General Education Writing 2 requirement.


Meets the General Education Writing 3 requirement.


Meets the General Education Intercultural Competence requirement.


Meets the General Education Civic Knowledge and Engagement requirement.


Meets the General Education Humanities: Fine Arts requirement.

Suggested Study Plan: Years 1 and 2

Plan of Study Grid
Year I
GE 100 First-Year Seminar 3
ANIM 111 Digital Methods 2
ANIM 190 Introduction to Animation Principles and Techniques 3
ART 230 Figurative Lab 3
GE Quantitative Literacy (MATH 110, MATH 115, or MATH 130) 3
WRIT 110 Writing 1: The Art and Craft of Writing 3
ANIM 192 Animation Preproduction 3
CINE 174 Introduction to Storytelling 3
ANIM 117 Color and Design 3
MIN 108 Christian Life, Faith, and Ministry 3
GE Personal Wellness 1
Year II
WRIT 220 Writing 2: Film Analysis and Criticism 3
ANIM 200 Animation Production I 3
ANIM 202 Storyboarding for Animation I 3
GE Oral Communication 3
ANIM 103 3D Art I 3
GE Humanities: Literature 3
PSYC 290 Human Growth and Development 3
ANIM 205 3D Art II 3
BIOL 101 Biology and Society 4
ANIM 212 Character Design I 3
ANIM 204 Layout Fundamentals 3
 Total Units64

Suggested Study Plan: Years 3 and 4: Animation

Plan of Study Grid
Year III
ANIM 305 Visual Development 3
ANIM 392 Character Animation II 3
ANIM 309 Digital Concept Painting 3
UBBL 100 Introduction to Biblical Literature: Exodus/Deuteronomy 3
CINE 375 Writing 3: Screenwriting 3
UBBL 230 Luke/Acts 3
ANIM 345 Advanced Story Concepts 3
GE Humanities: History 3
ANIM 395 Animation Film Workshop 3
ANIM 402 Storyboarding for Animation II 3
Year IV
GE Theology 3
CINE 451 World Cinema 3
ANIM 493 Capstone Project in Animation 3
GE Foreign Language 1 3
GE Humanities: Fine Arts 3
ANIM 493 Capstone Project in Animation 3
ANIM 445 Portfolio Review and Career Preparation 1
GE Upper-Division Bible 3
CINE 475 Civic Engagement Through Media 3
GE Foreign Language 2 3
GE Philosophy 3
 Total Units61

Suggested Study Plan: Years 3 and 4: Visual Effects

Plan of Study Grid
Year III
ANIM 390 3D Character Modeling 3
CINE 375 Writing 3: Screenwriting 3
ANIM 307 CG Character Animation II 3
UBBL 100 Introduction to Biblical Literature: Exodus/Deuteronomy 3
GE Humanities: Fine Arts 3
UBBL 230 Luke/Acts 3
ANIM 358 Rigging for Animation 3
ANIM 395 Animation Film Workshop 3
GE Humanities: History 3
ANIM 404 CG Layout and Previsualization 3
Year IV
GE: Theology 3
CINE 451 World Cinema 3
ANIM 493 Capstone Project in Animation 3
CINE 391 Visual Effects and Compositing 3
GE Foreign Language 1 3
ANIM 493 Capstone Project in Animation 3
ANIM 445 Portfolio Review and Career Preparation 1
GE Upper-Division Bible 3
CINE 475 Civic Engagement Through Media 3
GE Foreign Language 2 3
GE Philosophy 3
 Total Units61