GBBL 500, Elements of Greek Exegesis, 4 Units
Students who are readers of the English Bible are introduced to the syntax of New Testament Greek for a better understanding of the translation process, the principles of exegesis, and the exegetical reference tools available for interpreting the New Testament. This class will support and reinforce practices learned in GBBL 511. Either this course or GBBL 510 New Testament Greek is a prerequisite to New Testament courses (GBBL 512 Gospels Witness to Christ, GINS 542 Gospels and Christology, and GBBL 532 Paul the Pastor and Theologian).
GBBL 501, Torah and Prophets: Exodus-2 Kings, 4 Units
This course follows GBBL 511 and continues the study of the Old Testament as Christian Scripture by examining Exodus through 2 Kings with a focus on the women and men who formed and preserved Israel. The prophets and prophetic books that relate to this period will also be read and interpreted.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 510, New Testament Greek I, 4 Units
This course introduces the basic vocabulary, morphology, and syntax of New Testament Greek for the purpose of learning to read and interpret the New Testament as a foundation for theological study and pastoral practice.
GBBL 511, Biblical Interpretation: Exploring Genesis, 4 Units
Students in this course are introduced to the Old Testament and the inductive method of interpretation through an exploration of the book of Genesis, practicing close readings of the text and paying attention to genre and historical and literary contexts. Course material also helps seminarians participate in the dialogue between science and Scripture, including theological discussions about the origins of the physical universe and humankind.
GBBL 512, The Gospels' Witness to Christ, 4 Units
This course examines the life and teaching of Jesus portrayed in the Gospels, exploring the historical, literary, and theological features of their witness through the inductive method of Bible study, enhanced by the methods of contemporary Gospel criticism.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 520, New Testament Greek II, 4 Units
This course continues the study of the basic vocabulary, morphology, and syntax of New Testament Greek begun in GBBL 510 New Testament Greek I.
Prerequisite: GBBL 510
GBBL 522, The Gospel of Mark, 4 Units
Students study the Gospel of Mark with attention to developing skill in the methods of Gospel criticism and engaging the Gospel's implicit theology and teaching about the Christian life.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 530, Hebrew I, 4 Units
This course introduces the basic vocabulary, morphology, and syntax of biblical Hebrew for the purpose of learning to read basic Hebrew narrative and gaining the tools for interpreting the Old Testament as a foundation for biblical study. It provides pastors and teachers with tools for greater insight into the biblical message of the Old Testament.
GBBL 532, Paul the Pastor and Theologian, 4 Units
Through the examination of the Apostle Paul's letters, students in this course study his pastoral work in the establishment and care of churches and his formative contribution to the theology of the Church.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 540, Hebrew II, 4 Units
This course serves as a continuation of the introduction to the basic vocabulary, morphology, and syntax of biblical Hebrew begun in Hebrew I.
GBBL 541, Exegetical Study of the Greek or Hebrew Text, 4 Units
Students are introduced to the basic principles and practice of Greek or Hebrew exegesis, through a detailed study of selected passages in the Greek text of the New Testament or the Hebrew Scriptures. Attention is given to methodological and bibliographical resources.
GBBL 551, Geographical and Historical Setting of the Bible, 4 Units
This comprehensive course of study emphasizes the geography, history, and archaeology of Israel in biblical times, as well as introducing the post-biblical history of the land, the Holocaust, and the complex social issues facing the modern nation of Israel. The course includes a 10-day travel tour of the lands of the Bible.
GBBL 552, Epistle to the Romans, 4 Units
Students study Paul's letter to the Romans, with attention to developing skill in the methods of biblical exegesis and engaging the theological and ethical implications of Paul's thought.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 561, Psalms as Resource for Ministry, 4 Units
The psalms of ancient Israel provide models of appropriate human response to the breadth of life as lived before God. In a strange but hopeful way, these human songs also become the source of the Divine Word of guidance, salvation, and grace. The course investigates the historical and literary character of the Hebrew psalms as well as ways these compositions can be effectively and appropriately incorporated into a life of ministry.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 562, Biblical Foundations of Worship, 4 Units
This course is a study of the worship of the believing communities of the Bible and early Christianity within the context of the ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world, with special attention to its historical expressions and theological foundations.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 570, Directed Research, 1-4 Units
This is a course of independent research directed by the instructor.
GBBL 571, Readings in the Hebrew Text of the Pentateuch, 1-4 Units
Selections from the Pentateuch are chosen according to the students' needs and interest. Attention is devoted to improving the ability to read the Hebrew text and knowledge of advanced Hebrew grammar. The course focuses on the documentary hypothesis and traditional-historical criticism.
GBBL 572, Readings in the Greek Text of the Gospels, 1-4 Units
Selected passages from the Greek text of the Gospels are examined, and special attention is given to the tools of source, form, redaction, and narrative criticism.
GBBL 581, Readings in the Hebrew Text of the Prophets, 1-4 Units
Selections from the Hebrew Bible are chosen according to the students' needs and interests. Attention is devoted to improving the ability to read the Hebrew composed in poetry. The role of the prophets in the life of Israel is investigated in terms of their preparation of the people for the coming of God's Kingdom in Christ.
GBBL 582, Readings in the Greek Text of the Epistles, 1-4 Units
Selected passages from the Greek text of the Epistles are examined and special attention is given to rhetorical criticism.
GBBL 590, Thesis, 4 Units
This is a course of independent study in which the student prepares a thesis supervised by the instructor.
GBBL 591, Isaiah, 4 Units
This course comprises a study of the canonical book Isaiah. The life and ministry of Isaiah of Jerusalem are investigated. Then the other sections of Isaiah are studied. The concepts of Isaiah 40-55 receive special emphasis, particularly the view of God, God's Word, the messages of salvation, and the role of the servant. Some attention is given to the major themes of Isaiah 56-66. The role of this canonical book in preparation for the coming of God's Kingdom in Christ receives special attention. His message of hope laid the foundation for the early Christians to understand God's work in Jesus. Thus, of all the books of the Old Testament, Isaiah is the most crucial for understanding the work of God in Christ.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 599, Readings in Biblical Studies, 1-4 Units
This is a course of independent study supervised by the instructor.
GBBL 611, Old Testament Seminar, 4 Units
Topics with current and/or continuing significance for Old Testament studies, critical methods, and advanced research techniques are emphasized.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 612, New Testament Seminar, 4 Units
Topics that have current and/or continuing significance for the study of the New Testament are explored with emphasis on the methods of advanced research.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 621, Jeremiah, 4 Units
The student undertakes a thorough investigation into the message of Jeremiah. This great prophet worked during the years of great turmoil leading up to the exile. A study of his life, confessions, and struggles leads the student into a thorough acquaintance with the events of the Middle East of the 6th century B.C. Also, the material in Jeremiah provides the student with the opportunity to discover the inner life of a prophet who faced tremendous opposition.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 622, The Church of the First Century, 4 Units
Students undertake an investigation of the emergence of the Christian Church in the first century A.D. through an examination of the Acts of the Apostles, using the tools of literary, historical, sociological, and theological analysis.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 631, Early Judaism: The Writings and the Dead Sea Scrolls, 4 Units
This course examines the Dead Sea Scrolls, the biblical books, and extra-biblical resources produced by the Jews of the Persian, Greek, and Roman periods. These sources demonstrate the processes involved in establishing post-exilic Jewish communities, authoritative texts, synagogue and home rituals, social practices, and interpretive discourses, which form a foundation for the early Jesus movement, the New Testament, Christianity, rabbinic Judaism, and the Judaisms of today.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 632, The New Testament World, 4 Units
This course gives students an encounter with Jewish and Greco-Roman primary texts from the Hellenistic Age in order to gain an understanding of the history, religion, and culture that formed the milieu of the New Testament.
GBBL 641, Theological Themes of the Old Testament, 4 Units
This course investigates contemporary approaches to Old Testament theology. These methods are studied and critiqued. Specific theological themes are pursued, including God's self-revelation, God's holiness, justice, wisdom, love, the view of humans, sin and atonement, praise, and lament. Very important is a consideration of the relationship of both testaments for practicing biblical theology.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GBBL 651, Scripture and Canon: The Formation of the Bible, 4 Units
This course traces how the Jewish and Christian Scriptures were produced, preserved, transmitted, authorized, and canonized in living communities of faith. It explores how inspiration and revelation-as well as social structures, historical events, and politics-feature in the development and persistence of a sacred canon.
GBBL 652, Geographical and Historical Setting of the Hellenistic World, 4 Units
This course explores geography, history, culture, and archaeology of the Hellenistic world as the setting in which the New Testament was written, and includes a tour of sites in the Aegean region of Greece and Turkey.
GBBL 661, Women in the Bible and Church History, 4 Units
This course is an inductive survey of women's roles in the Bible and biblical discourse regarding women. It also survey's women's contributions to church history and theology. This in-depth examination of women in biblical and interpretive traditions, church history, and theology informs students' understanding of the vocations of women serving God today.
GDMN 704, Research and Design, 4 Units
Students are introduced to the practical application of the doctor of ministry coursework as it relates to their needs and ministerial context. Special attention is given to developing a lifelong appreciation of active discovery. Focus is on tools for study and research, developing a design proposal for the D.Min. project, and the methods of research and writing.
GDMN 710, Christian Spirituality, 4 Units
The spiritual dynamics involved in the transformation of the human personality are studied in the course. Topics covered include biblical, theological, historical, psychological, and sociological understanding of the human condition and how holy habits are formed. Special attention is given to how spiritual formation applies to situations of ministry.
GDMN 720, Theology for Spiritual Formation, 4 Units
Students explore the ways in which the disciplines of theology, the humanities, and the behavioral sciences can be integrated and applied to the task of ministry. Spiritual formation of individuals and communities into the way of Christ, the imitatio Christi, is the focus of the integration process; practical application is made to congregational life.
GDMN 730, Church Renewal, 4 Units
Students consider the dynamics of spiritual renewal through an investigation of renewal movements among the people of God from the pre-exilic prophets in ancient Israel to contemporary movements in the Christian church in the 20th century. The analysis draws on the perspectives of theology, psychology, and sociology, with a focus on the ways in which these movements enhance or inhibit character formation. Attention is given to the application of the dynamics of renewal to contemporary situations.
GDMN 740, Spiritual Leadership, 4 Units
Students uncover the dynamics of leadership in the context of Christian community, using models developed from the humanities and behavioral sciences as well as the theological disciplines to determine the ethnic and cultural variables in leadership practice. Special emphasis is given to the effect of different leadership styles on growth toward Christ-likeness, and application is made to practical pastoral settings.
GDMN 750, Civic Spirituality, 4 Units
Students uncover the dynamics of spiritual formation within the context of urban life and ministry, integrating issues of social justice and personal piety. Particular attention is given to the African-American, Asian-American, Asian, Hispanic-American, and Hispanic experience, and practical application is made to the ministerial context of the individual student.
GDMN 752, Christian Spiritual Formation I, 3 Units
The dynamics of a life in the Kingdom of God are investigated in this first of a four-course sequence on authentic discipleship to Jesus Christ. This is built around the following three themes: 1) spiritual formation into Christ-likeness as God's intention for humans - that it is possible and suited to human nature; 2) living in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now; and 3) application of these understandings from Christ to the realities of the human self and actual existence in our circumstances.
GDMN 754, Christian Spiritual Formation II, 3 Units
Living in the divine conversation and character is investigated in the second of a four-course sequence on authentic discipleship to Jesus Christ. This is built around the following three themes: 1) learning how to hear God; 2) Christian spiritual disciplines - concept and history; and 3) salvation is a life, with special emphasis given to the "Fruit of the Spirit" as the foundation and framework of eternal living.
Prerequisite: GDMN 752
GDMN 756, Christian Spiritual Formation III, 3 Units
The great traditions of Christian faith through Scripture, literature, and praxis are investigated in the third of a four-course sequence on authentic discipleship to Jesus Christ. The course is built around the following three themes: 1) gaining an experiential understanding of the six great traditions of Christian faith; 2) coming to a deeper appreciation of the importance of classical devotional literature; and 3) learning to better experience God in Scripture while developing a deeper appreciation for the Bible's presentation of 15 ways of 'being with' God.
Prerequisite: GDMN 754
GDMN 758, Christian Spiritual Formation IV, 3 Units
Living as an apprentice to Jesus is investigated in the fourth of a four-course sequence on authentic discipleship to Jesus Christ. This is built around the following three themes: 1) being with God in prayer; 2) discipleship as apprenticeship; and 3) spiritual formation in all life's roles.
Prerequisite: GDMN 756
GDMN 760, Christian Spirituality and Modern Technology, 4 Units
Students study the theory and practice of modern technology in the context of Christian ministry, including practical experience with the various aspects of the information superhighway (e.g., computers and peripherals, software, network services, and email). Attention is given to ways in which the technological society enhances or inhibits spiritual formation in individuals and communities.
GDMN 762, Spiritual Practices in the Church, 4 Units
This course covers the biblical, theological, and historical foundation for the classical disciplines of the spiritual life as a means of grace through which the human person exercises relative independent will to bring body, mind, and spirit into a cooperative relationship with God. Special attention is given to prayer as the foundational discipline of engagement, the via positive, and its practice in the prayer life of the individual and in the life of the congregation.
GDMN 764, History and Theology of Worship, 4 Units
This course documents the history and theology of worship with particular attention given to worship as a means for the cure of souls. The rationale and practice of both liturgical and free church worship is considered along with attention to various musical forms. Attention is also given to the application of the insights of this study to the ministerial context of the individual student.
GDMN 768, Urban Immersion, 4 Units
Students analyze the impact of urban changes upon the work of church planting and congregational life through an exposure to urban culture using the university's network of relationships to churches, institutions, and agencies throughout the greater Los Angeles area.
GDMN 772, Contemplative Spirituality, 4 Units
This course explores the scriptural and historical background of contemplative spirituality in order to experience its dimensions and practices today. Special attention is focused on how one's relationship with God, character formation, and mission enrich not only the personal life of the individual but also the Church and its mission.
GDMN 782, Scripture: Its Spirituality and Proclamation, 4 Units
The Christian Scriptures exist as a great variety of manuscript and printed texts. They express a spectrum of content in many different genres, and they have evoked an enormous range of thoughtful responses. Viewed from the perspective of God's community, all of these aspects are manifestations of the work of God's Spirit. In this course students will seek to better understand the spiritual phenomena collectively known as Christian Scripture. Students will explore the relevance of the spiritual dimensions of Scripture to Christian ministry.
GDMN 790, Ministry Project, 4 Units
Students work with their D.Min. project committee in developing a doctoral-level report based on critical reflection concerning a specific problem or issue in the practice of ministry.
GDMN 792, Ministry Project Continuation, 2 Units
Students who do not complete their DMin project during the semester they are enrolled in GDMN 790 Ministry Project must enroll for subsequent semesters in this course.
Prerequisite: GDMN 790
GDMN 797, Seminar in Ministry, 4 Units
The course covers topics of pressing concern in Christian ministry, including spiritual formation, pastoral leadership, Church renewal, and practical theology.
GDMN 799, Readings in Doctoral Ministry, 1-4 Units
This is a course of Independent Study supervised by the instructor.
GINS 507, The Bible and Preaching, 4 Units
This course applies the practice of Biblical interpretation to sermon preparation and delivery. As an integrative course, students are supervised in the study of Scripture and the development of effective preaching skills.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GINS 526, Ethics and Worship, 4 Units
The liturgical foundations for Christian ethics are covered in this course. The course explores how Christian practices like congregational gathering, prayer, the Lord's Supper, Sabbath, baptism, funerals, marriage, celibacy, fasting, reading of scripture, preaching, and confession form us into a people who can respond to issues such as social justice, poverty, sexuality, violence, and racism.
GINS 542, The Gospels and Christology, 4 Units
This course examines the development of the Gospel traditions and Christological traditions in the early Church, and their significance to Christian beliefs, values, and practices.
Prerequisite: GBBL 511
GINS 599, Readings in Integrative Studies, 1-4 Units
This is a course of Independent Study supervised by the instructor.
GURS 589, Urban Immersion L.A., 1 Unit
Urban Immersion is an experiential and reflective field education encounter that explores a theological perspective amidst the urban realities of Los Angeles. Participants examine the relationship and exchange between social life and faith in urban spaces, and special attention is given to the Kingdom impact on urban migration, marginalization, and adaptation. Students meet at the Los Angeles Regional Site and visit designated locations in the city for their immersion experiences.
GMIN 501, Foundations of Youth Ministry, 4 Units
Students are exposed to selected theologies that provide the underpinnings of various youth ministries. The course includes discussion regarding current adolescent culture and issues and contemporary youth ministry issues. Each student is required to integrate the course content into the various projects assigned, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the course content.
GMIN 502, Discipleship and Evangelism of Youth, 4 Units
This course promotes a biblical theology of discipleship and evangelism and its practical application toward youth ministry. Extensive focus is given to being and making disciples and evangelizing others. Students are required to integrate the course content into the various projects assigned, which shows a depth of understanding of principles taught in the course.
GMIN 503, Multicultural Youth Ministry, 4 Units
This course is a study of contemporary social problems theory with special emphasis on cross-cultural perspectives as found in the urban/multicultural youth environment. Complex issues emerging from multicultural youth perspectives of various ethnicities are explored in the light of contextually relevant church ministry.
GMIN 504, Pastoral Counseling of Youth, 4 Units
This course introduces students to the pastoral counseling field and assists with the development of specific skills and competencies in the counseling process with adolescents and their families. It also builds biblical and theological foundations for pastoral counseling with adolescents and gives students an opportunity to engage in an actual pastoral counseling experience.
GMIN 505, Ministry Life and Leadership, 4 Units
This foundational ministry course equips students for congregational leadership in its many forms. Students analyze approaches to leadership through the lenses of Scripture, theology, the Church, and leadership theory, all while attending to how various cultural contexts shape the ways we engage and apply these ideas. Students are also led into spaces for personal formation, which is essential for Christians to lead well.
GMIN 506, Foundations of Educational Ministries, 4 Units
Students explore the history of Christian education and its influence as a church movement, the philosophy of ministry with emphasis on learning theory, and contemporary trends and their effect on Christian education, formation, and discipleship.
GMIN 508, Servant Leadership and Church Management, 4 Units
This course addresses the pastor's role and calling as leader, particularly the practice of servant leadership and management of staff and volunteers. Consideration of gifting, style, and personal formation will be given in relation to working with boards, teams, and individuals within a church setting. Topics will include vision and implementation, team-building and communication, all within the context of a volunteer based church.
GMIN 509, Urban Sociology and Christian Ministry, 4 Units
This course provides an introduction to sociological and cultural theories of urban areas. In order to understand the pressing cultural and social needs of the city, this course prepares ministry students to approach their urban churches within the broader framework of understanding systemic social pathologies, theories of race and class, and urbanism.
GMIN 510, African American Preaching, 4 Units
Students in this course explore preaching in the African American tradition, with a focus upon biblical interpretation, content development, sermon design, oral presentation, and delivery technique, as well as biblical proclamation as a component of pastoral ministry in the African American Church. Through supervised practice, students discover how they can best engage the listening congregation as preachers of the Word.
GMIN 516, Christian Formation and Discipleship, 4 Units
This course offers a study of foundational principles and models of Christian Formation and Discipleship, with special emphasis on formation into Christlikeness as a primary emphasis for pastoral leadership and teaching. Consideration will be given to the complex dimensions of personal transformation within a community context. Study of the self, the role of grace, spiritual disciplines and the importance of developing a "rule of life" will be key topics.
GMIN 519, Current Issues in Urban Ministry, 4 Units
This course examines the critical issues affecting the quality of life for those living in major urban areas. The course focuses on in-depth examination of the contributions of faith communities to social analysis, public theology, and transformation of community in relation to issues such as homelessness, violence, family dissolution, and gentrification.
GMIN 526, Curriculum and Instruction, 4 Units
Students gain knowledge of recent trends in curricular materials, principles, and methods; the use of the Bible; activities; and objectives of programming in Christian education.
GMIN 528, Contemporary Issues in Ministry, 4 Units
The church and its ministry are studied. The course emphasizes contemporary changes in the church, directions in which the church and ministry are moving, staff relationships, contemporary methods of service, extra-church ministries, and the implications of modern culture on the development of the church's ministry strategy.
GMIN 529, City in Theological Perspective, 4 Units
Students examine theological perceptions of the city, with an emphasis on ministry in and to the polis.
Prerequisite: MINC 346, MINC 487
GMIN 548, Pastoral Counseling and Church Health, 4 Units
The course addresses the pastor's presence, identity, and counseling role and is structured from the perspectives of Christian theology and the behavioral sciences. Consideration is given to such topics as: an integrated view of the care of the soul, family of origin formation, addiction and recovery, family systems theory as applied to the life and health of the local church. The course provides insights, information, and practical applications for effective pastoral health and ministry in today's complex ministry settings.
GMIN 559, Urban Cross-Cultural Ministry, 4 Units
Students learn about particular ethnic groups, with a focus on ministry to each group, the church in changing neighborhoods, and the development of multi-congregational churches.
GMIN 567, Community Retreat, 1 Unit
This course is designed to launch students into their seminary experience through building community with other students and faculty, participating in formational activities, and reflecting on vocation.
GMIN 568, Mentored Ministry: Chaplaincy, 3 Units
This course grants credit to students who complete 400 hours of a Clinical Pastoral Education chaplaincy internship.
GMIN 569, Mentored Ministry, 1 Unit
Mentored ministry is a central piece of the learning experience at Azusa Pacific Seminary, giving students the opportunity to develop as reflective practitioners through experience in a ministry context combined with reflection on how that experience connects with academic studies and personal spiritual formation. Mentored ministry consists of two components: a supervised ministry experience (at least 8 hours per week throughout the course of the term), and regular meetings with a Mentored Ministry Reflection Group, a learning community in which students reflect with each other on ministry situations, join in prayer and other spiritual disciplines, and provide mutual support as they seek to grow together as servants of Christ.
GMIN 570, Directed Research, 1-4 Units
This is a course of independent research directed by the instructor.
GMIN 571, Internship, 3 Units
This course includes a diverse format of classroom experience, field experience and small groups. It further develops a student's ability to blend Christian theology and ministry by utilizing a method of reflecting theologically on the practice of the Christian faith and facilitating the ability to clearly state and defend one's own theology for Christian ministry. Students are required to serve eight hours per week in hands-on field experience.
GMIN 577, Music in the Worshiping Church, 4 Units
This course is a study of congregational song from biblical times to present day, emphasizing the use of corporate song in Christian worship. The course includes a study of the Psalter, hymnody and hymn writers, and a survey of contemporary worship styles including blended, Gen-X, Taize, and multicultural worship.
GMIN 578, Worship Leadership, 4 Units
This course equips the student to become a servant leader. It is a practical class designed to help worship leaders succeed as family members, team players, event coordinators, budget managers, vision casters, congregational guides, and reproducers of other leaders. Discussions are focused on the complex set of challenges that worship leaders typically face.
GMIN 579, Church Music Administration, 4 Units
This course examines the calling and role of the worship leader, care of music participants, and various planning tools. Also included is an introduction to the use of technology and the preparation, direction, rehearsal, arranging and incorporation of various ensembles (praise team, choir, rhythm section, church orchestra) encountered in Church ministries.
GMIN 580, Aesthetics, Arts, and Actions in Corporate Worship, 4 Units
This course helps students develop a philosophy of aesthetics and the arts in corporate worship. An investigation of spirituality in the post-modern world includes suggestions for the inclusion of sacred time, sacred space, drama, dance, sacred action, sign, and symbol in Protestant worship.
GMIN 588, The Missional Church, 4 Units
This course offers an introduction to the missiological insights required to lead the North American church in the post-modern world. These insights reflect the interdisciplinary interaction of theology, anthropology, and missiological strategy for penetrating the culture of the North American 21st century.
GMIN 599, Readings in Ministry, 1-4 Units
This is a course of independent study supervised by the instructor.
GMIN 605, Leadership in Youth Ministry, 4 Units
This course teaches students the roles and responsibilities of Christian leadership in youth ministry. This capstone course includes the meaning of being a Christian leader and organization and administration of youth ministry programs.
GMIN 608, Integrative Ministry Project, 4 Units
This course serves as a capstone for the MAPS degree. It is designed primarily as a practical ministry project with a specialized focus from the student's concentration. This course integrates praxis with disciplines within the degree: biblical studies, theology, and ministry.
GMIN 618, M.Div. Capstone, 4 Units
Students complete a major project that demonstrates skills and knowledge they have attained during seminary in relation to biblical studies, theology, and ministry. The course is taken by students in the last year of their program and includes an oral presentation to a faculty panel.
GMIN 628, Seminar in Ministry, 1-4 Units
The course covers topics that are of pressing concern in ministry, including spirituality, church renewal, and church planting.
GTHE 503, Church History I, 4 Units
The history of Christianity is surveyed from the first century to the Reformation. Consideration is given to major theologians and their works and significant developments in the history of the church. Specifically the course will make use of primary sources to describe the early church, trace theological developments, doctrines and polity. Focus on the varieties of Christian communities of the Early/Medieval period will include the Desert communities of fathers and mothers of the church, women in Late Antiquity, and the medieval church in Italy.
GTHE 505, Christian Ethics, 4 Units
The biblical and theological foundations of historical and contemporary interpretations of Christian ethics are covered, with an analysis of the nature of Christian responsibility in the major areas of social concern.
GTHE 513, Church History II, 4 Units
Major theological movements within the Christian church, from the Reformation to the present, are studied. Consideration is given to major theologians and their works and significant developments in the history of the modern church, including Methodism and the rise of modern science.
GTHE 523, Seminar in Church History, 4 Units
Students explore selected epochs, movements, or issues in the history of the Church. Topics included are the Reformation, the Wesleyan revival, the Great Awakening, and the Church in the urban context.
GTHE 529, The City in Theological Perspective, 4 Units
Students examine theological perceptions of the city, with an emphasis on ministry in and to the polis.
GTHE 534, Interdisciplinary Seminar in Theology, 4 Units
A selected topic in Christian theology, from the perspectives of the Bible, theology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and communication theory, is studied in a given semester.
GTHE 535, Theology, Work, and Economics, 4 Units
This course will introduce students to the Biblical and historical aspects of work and economics. It will also train students to understand and to create both personal and church budgets.
GTHE 544, The Theology of John Wesley, 4 Units
Highlights of Wesley's life are studied with reference to the development of his theology. Special attention is given to the unique emphases of Wesleyan doctrine.
GTHE 553, Evangelical Friends History: Birth, Growth, and Organization, 4 Units
This course provides a survey of the Friends Church from its origins in the 17th century to the present. The birth, growth, and organization of Quakerism is delineated, along with Quaker distinctives in thought and practice, the role of evangelicalism, reform efforts, church polity, and the ongoing challenges of cultural relativism and relevancy. Special attention is given to the experiences and practices of American Friends in general and of Evangelical Friends in the Southwest in specific.
GTHE 554, Friends Theology, Worship, and Leadership, 4 Units
Students learn about the distinctive theology, worship, and leadership practices of Friends, as compared and contrasted with other Christian groups. The course meets the needs of those in the "recording" process.
GTHE 563, American Church History, 4 Units
This course will present an introduction and study of the major themes, persons and movements within the history of the American church from the Puritan church to the present, and will primarily focus upon Protestant Christianity.
GTHE 564, Contemporary Theology, 4 Units
This course investigates contemporary issues of theology as they emerged within the context of the modern and/or postmodern world. Special emphasis is placed upon the reading of primary texts and upon relating to issues in a way that is responsible to historic Christianity as well as contemporary concerns. Issues include those related to existentialism and such contextualized theologies as liberation, ethnic, and feminist theologies.
GTHE 570, Directed Research, 1-4 Units
This is a course of independent research directed by the instructor.
GTHE 573, History of the Church in Latin America, 4 Units
This course traces the history of the Church in Latin America and its diverse relationships with its religious, economic, political, and cultural surroundings from the Conquest (1492) to the 20th Century.
GTHE 574, Theological Issues in the Hispanic Church, 4 Units
This course examines a variety of theological issues facing the Hispanic church today. It engages the social and cultural contexts in which today's Church serves. It also places these issues in theological context to supply students with practical and applicable strategies for working through these issues in their local communities.
GTHE 584, Christian Theology, 4 Units
This course identifies basic beliefs about God, creation, humanity, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, and the Church. Specific doctrines of Christian theology are analyzed from the perspective of historical, contextual, and systematic theology, based upon a biblical foundation.
GTHE 590, Thesis, 4 Units
This is a course of independent study in which the student prepares a thesis supervised by the instructor.
GTHE 599, Readings in Church History, Theology, and Ethics, 1-4 Units
This is a course of independent study supervised by the instructor.
GTHE 615, Church and Society, 4 Units
This course deals with the nature and mission of the church and the problems which the church must face in its relationship with society.
GTHE 625, Seminar in Christian Ethics, 4 Units
A selected area in the field of Christian ethics is studied in a given semester. Areas of study include the following: political ethics, social justice, war and peace, economic ethics, the ethics of sex, and medical ethics.