Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics

APU’s Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics programs prepare students to use their technical expertise to serve as faithful leaders in society.

Mission Statement

The Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics at Azusa Pacific University is a community of students and scholars dedicated to seeking truth. We foster academic and research excellence and equip undergraduate and graduate students with practical skills in data analysis, quantitative and computational thinking, and problem solving. We prepare students to use their technical skills to do good, serve others, and glorify God.

Math, Physics, and Statistics Fellowships

Each year, the Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics awards fellowships to a select number of incoming and returning students. For more information, contact the department at (626) 815-6470 or

Department Resources

The department operates two computer science laboratories on the Azusa campus: the advanced technologies/multimedia laboratory and the computer science main laboratory. Lab technicians are available during lab hours for tutoring, free of charge to all students enrolled in computer science courses. There is also a new engineering lab.

Although the university provides extensive computer lab facilities for student use, each student in the computer science and engineering majors is required to purchase a personal computer, as students with their own computers have a definite advantage in using and applying engineering and computer science instruction.



Bradley McCoy, PhD, Physics

Program Director, MS in Applied Statistics and Data Science

Soeun Kim, PhD, Statistics


Mark Arvidson, PhD, Mathematics

Soeun Kim, PhD, Statistics

Bryant Mathews, PhD, Mathematics

Bradley McCoy, PhD, Physics

Associate Professors

Edwin Ding, PhD, Mathematics

Lu Ruan, PhD, Computer Science

Sándor Volkán-Kacsó, PhD, Physics

Assistant Professors

Aisha Chen, PhD, Engineering

Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, PhD, Mathematics

James Johansen, PhD, Computer Science

Adjunct Faculty

Brian Croissant, MS

Daniel Hogue, MS

James R. Marshall, MS, Engineering

Danielle Nazaroff, MA

Amanda Sinner, MA

Molly Swanson, MA

Heather Wong, Engineering

Faculty Emeriti

Richard Eckhart, PhD, Computer Science

Samuel Sambasivam, PhD, Computer Science


Rod Ulrich, MS, Lab Manager